Current Progression on Enhancing The Quality of Health : From Research Chamber to Clinical Implementation - http://conference.brin.go.id/ichr2022/
- Biomedical Sciences
- Zoonoses, emerging and re-emerging diseases
- Antimicrobial resistance and antimicrobial usage
- Food contaminants and degenerative diseases
- One health approach
- Vaccine and Drugs
- Translational research on medical practice
- Natural product chemistry
- Traditional medicine
- Public health and nutrition
- Public health emergency
- Molecular biology of biobanking
- Veterinary Sciences
Post-conference, the presented manuscripts will be transferred to a Scopus-indexed and high-reputation publisher as proceedings. Selected papers will also be advised to proceed with a journal publication, as they wish.
As we are now at Full Paper Phase, it is pivotal for authors whose abstracts are accepted with revision to follow and implement the written suggestion/s from the respective handling editors. The abstract is 250-400-word length. The main body must be within 2500-4000 words (excluding abstract, references and acknowledgement).

Keynote Speakers

Dr. Laksana Tri Handoko
Chairman Of National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Indonesia

Chairman Of Research Organization for Health, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Indonesia
Plenary Speakers

Prof. Dr. Tjandra Yoga Ditama, Sp. P(K), MARS, DTM&H, DTCE, FISR
Director of Postgraduate School University of Yarsi, Indonesia

Prof. Joanne Meers
School of Veterinary Science Faculty of Science
The University of Queensland, Australia
Invited Speakers

Prof. Penny Bee, Ph.D, BSc(Hons),GIBiol.
University of Manchester, UK

Prof. Tamaki Okabayashi
University of Miyazaki, Japan

Nathan Tirtana, BE
PT. Etana, Indonesia

Prof. dr. David Handojo Muljono, Sp.PD,
Indonesian Academy of Sciences (AIPI)

Dr. Anuraj H. Shankar
Centre for Tropical Medicine and Global Health
University of Oxford, UK

Prof. Dr. Marc Stadler
Helmholtz Center
for Infection Research, Germany

Prof. Dr. Hendrik Luesch
University of Florida, USA

Prof. Dr. Sarah De Saeger
Ghent University, Belgium

Prof. Ahmad Faried, dr. SpBS(K), PhD, FICS
University of Padjadjaran, Indonesia

Ines I Atmosukarto PhD
Lipotek Pty Ltd / Australian National University, Australia
Update Information
March 3, 2023
We are pleased to announce that the selected manuscripts submitted for ICHR 2022 have now been published.
We are looking forward to entertaining your submission in our upcoming call.
November 23, 2022
The time is coming and please enjoy the event
As we have set as our agreement that successful manuscripts shall be acquired by the publisher (Atlantis Press-Springer Nature for Proceedings on Advances in Health Sciences Research) which thus far has bagged indexing notification from Clarivate (WoS: one of titan indexing database), we are running great as planned.
However, we also noticed that some manuscripts, despite plenty suggestion being given from the very start of the entire reviewing process, do not seem to be improved nor to be re-submitted properly. The editorial team has conducted necessary actions to assist and to guard throughout pre-submission to the publisher. Yet, cooperation from the respective authors does not appear to be always one-return way.
We are happy to announce the submission is underway today 21st November 2022. Author/s who do not respond and resubmit their works should not ask any more extension at this point. We are no longer entertain any request in regards with mandatory stuffs to be fulfilled prior to acquisition by Atlantis Press-Springer Nature.
Yours faithfully,
Ika Nurlaila
Editor in Chief for ICHR 2022.
November 10, 2022
Dear participants,
The final decision has been made and each of the successful authors shall receive their ultimate notification. Request for reconsideration will not be entertained.
For non BRIN authors and presenters, should you have not received your invoice by 11th November 2022 please write to us.
Thank you for your participation and see you at the virtual venue
November 08, 2022
Dear participants,
the final decision has been made and and each of the successful authors shall receive their ultimate notification. We do not accept and re-do our consideration. Thank you for your participation and see you at the virtual venue.
October 17, 2022
All AUTHORS WHO HAVE RECEIVED ACCEPTANCE NOTIFICATION, please be advised that you are requested to submit your final manuscript wherein all suggestions from your Reviewers are addressed properly and formatted following the ICHR format. Fail to do this might result in REJECTION at your very last step.
Guideline for Paper Submission
We have set some important dates as follows:
Mark Your Calendar!
Abstract submission deadline | : 25 April-23 May 2022 |
Preliminary Review on Abstracts is conducted on the rolling basis upon recorded submission and the subsequent processes
Abstract Acceptance Announcement | : 27 May 2022 |
Full paper submission | : 27 May 2022-18 June 2022 |
Full paper revision, whenever applicable | : 18 June- 18 July 2022 |
Final Acceptance Notification | : 18 July-30 August 2022 |
Event registration and payment | : 1 September-1 October 2022 |
Payment is ONLY made upon final acceptance notification.
Abstract submission is due on 20 May 2022, 17.00 WIB (Western Indonesian Time/Jakarta Time, UTC+7.00). For your own record, you are advised to screen-capture the pop up notification appear after submitting.
Your abstracts will undergo a rigid quality check where each will be assessed in regards with:
1. Content relevance
2. Writing structure
3. Novelty offer
4. Clearness
We will perform the ABSTRACT CHECK on a rolling basis based on the real-time submission. This will explain that some authors might receive ABSTRACT NOTIFICATION earlier than others.
ABSTRACT NOTIFICATION will be sent to the registered/corresponding authors with 17 June 2022 as the due date.
We request all authors with accepted abstracts to submit their full paper by 18 July 2022, 17.00 WIB, following our format as linked down below:
Full paper submission is managed through EDAS system which is linked as:
The authors are obliged to create their accounts on EDAS. The instructions are detailed on the web.
- At the ABSTRACT part, the authors have to again input their amended abstracts wherein all suggestions have been thoroughly accommodated.
- At the FULL PAPER part, the authors have to upload their drafts where the format is adhered to our format as below:
The ready to use template is as well linked down below:
The authors will be further notified whether or not their drafts qualified for oral presentation or qualified with some conditions.
For all ends’ convenient, we will not establish direct communication between authors and reviewers, however at some highly urgent cases we are happy to open up with Editorial Team as mediating body and communication is delivered via email only. However, it should also be understood by all authors that The Reviewing Board has performed their duties with integrity and fully based their evaluation on fairness basis, irrespective to authors’ affiliations, and any ID-associated attributes.
A-double blind review applies for each paper and as in the Abstract stage, our assigned reviewers will perform it on a rolling basis. Each author will be notified shortly after the review is done. This notification will be as well your invoice. The authors are asked to complete their payment by 1st October 2022.
A receipt will be generated and sent to the registered authors as a confirmation for their attendance in the conference event which will be held on 23rd-24th November 2022.
The Organizing Committee shall keep all presenters (authors with accepted full papers) posted via email as well as through updated content on our website. Should participants experience any difficulty at any stage, please write to us at ichr@brin.go.id or text us at +62815-68272737 (Riyandini Putri) or +6285815532434 (Dwi Wahyu Indriani)
Working hours: Monday-Friday (and Indonesia public holidays): 08.00-19.00 WIB (please be advised that any email reach us after working hours shall be addressed the following day)
Important Date
Call For Abstract | 25 April – 23 May 2022 |
Deadline Abstract Submission | 20th May 2022 |
Abstract Acceptance | 27th May 2022 |
Full Paper Submission | 18th June 2022 |
Final Full Paper Submission | 18th July 2022 |
Full Paper Acceptance | 30th August 2022 |
Final registration and payment deadline | : November 1, 2022 |
Final Registration and Payment | 1st October |
Conference Event | 23-24 November 2022 |
National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)
Cibinong Science Center Botanical Garden (CSC-BG)
Jalan Raya Jakarta-Bogor Km. 46, Cibinong, West Java 16911, Indonesia
Reviewer Board
to be announced

As to two-steps evaluation system will be fairly applied to every submitted initial abstract submission, participants are advised to follow our REGISTRATION flow as below:
- Abstracts are submitted through Gform linked below: https://bit.ly/ICHR2022registration
- Each abstract is given an even chance of: acceptance, acceptance with alterations and rejection. All authors are notified regardless the results. Our notification is sent on a rolling basis, thus early submitted abstracts might be quality-checked at first batch which will result in being early notified through registered emails.
- Post abstract notification, authors shall be requested to submit their full paper drafts and their altered abstracts (following written suggestions from Editorial board). This submission is facilitated in link below:
For the purpose above, the authors The authors are obliged to create their accounts on EDAS. The instructions are detailed on the web.
The template of full paper draft can be downloaded here:
- Fill ABSTRACT with the amended version accommodating the written suggestions from Editorial Board whenever applicable
- Upload the full paper following the given format
- Once you click the submit button, you will get submission notification automatically from the system
- The Reviewer Board will conduct double blind review and shall produce final decisions which will be sent to the registered authors
Abstract submission is due on 20 May 2022, 17.00 WIB (Western Indonesian Time/Jakarta Time, UTC+7.00). For your own record, you are advised to screen-capture the pop up notification appear after submitting.
Acceptance notification
The notification for abstract or full manuscript acceptance will be sent via EDAS system or by email
Upon abstract acceptance, participants should complete their registration as detailed below:
Categories | Indonesian | Overseas |
Presenter Only (without proceedings) | IDR 250.000 | US$ 20 |
Presenter (with proceedings) | IDR 2.500.000 | US$ 150 |
- Dwi Wahyu Indriani, Ph.D (HP: 0858-1553-2434)
- Drh. Riyandini Putri, M.Sc (HP: 0815-6827-2737)
- e-mail: ichr@brin.go.id
The successful manuscripts of ICHR 2022 will be published by Atlantis Press Part of Springer Nature as proceedings on: Advances in Health Science Research (AHSR) 2023. They are now under process.
AHSR so far has been indexed by Clarivate (Web of Science, WoS)
National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)
Cibinong Science Center Botanical Garden (CSC-BG)
Jalan Raya Jakarta-Bogor Km. 46, Cibinong, West Java 16911, Indonesia