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“Transforming Energy, Industry, and Transportation Technology Towards Decarbonized Society”

Research Organization for Energy and Manufacture, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) are proud to present the 11th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Engineering and Application 2024 (ICSEEA 2024), This conference will be held hybrid (offline and online) on 28th to 29th February, 2024. In this conference, experts, researchers, and industry leaders from around the world will converge to share insights, innovations, and strategies to accelerate the transition towards a decarbonized society. The ICSEEA will provide a dynamic platform for exploring advancements in energy, industry, and transportation technologies that are shaping a cleaner and more sustainable future. The ICSEEA is attended by government representative, industrial company, international researchers, scientists, and practitioners interested in new and renewable energy, sustainable transportation, instrumentation and technology, and related topics.
Keynote Speaker:

Conference Scopes/Tracks

Guideline for Paper Submission
The Conference Fee of ICSEEA 2024:
1. Local Student (Early Bird: IDR 2.500.000,-, Normal Price: IDR 3.000.000,-)
2. Local Presenter (Early Bird: IDR 3.500.000,-, Normal Price: IDR 4.000.000,-)
3. Foreign Presenter (Early Bird: USD 350, Normal Price: USD 450)
4. Local Online Presenter (IDR 2.000.000,-)
5. Foreign Online Presenter (USD 200)
6. Add-on Attendee (USD 250 or IDR 2.500.000,-)
7. Add-on Gala Dinner (Optional) (IDR 800.000,-)
>> Fees Including: all plenary sessions, all parallel sessions, seminar kit, lunches and coffee breaks (for 1-3).
>> Publication in proceedings/special issue journals entail additional charge.
>> Registration through this website is for the purpose of information only. Registration and abstract submission should be done online through the following link :
Paper Submission
Preparing Your Paper
We invite submissions on conference scopes/tracks but are not limited. Author should submit full technical papers in doc/docx format. Each paper will be double blind peer-reviewed by experts in the field for originality, contribution, and soundness. Authors of accepted paper must guarantee that at least one of the authors will attend the conference and present their paper.
>> All accepted full papers, will be considered for publication in the Open Access IOP Conference Series, indexed by Scopus. All papers published in IOP Conference Series are fully citable and upon publication will be free to download. Proceedings publication requires additional charge: USD 100.
>> Selected paper will be submitted to:
> EVERGREEN Journal (Scopus Index)
> Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power, and Vehicular
Technology – MEV (SINTA and Scopus Index)
Publication in special issue journals may requires article processing charge (APC) depend on the journal selected by the author. Additional APC for Publication:
a. Evergreen: USD 300
- All papers must be written in English and formatted following standard. Download template :
- Read carefully author guidlines for conference proceedings:
- All editorial process and Manuscripts (full paper) submission will be done entirely on Moressier platform. Further information will be available for authors after abstract acceptance.
- It’s important to ensure that when you submit your paper, it is in its final form ready for publication, and has been thoroughly proofread.
Conference Fee Payment
Payment Dates:
Early Bird: November 6th 2023 – January 5th 2024 (Extended to January 12th 2024)
Normal Price: January 13th 2024 – February 9th 2024
Payment Instruction:
1. All conference fees quoted are in IDR (Local Affiliation) or USD (Foreign Affiliation)
2. Payment for local participant (with Rupiah Currency):
Bank: BRI
Account Number: 035901002482306
Bank Note: icseea2024 paper no xxx
3. Payment for International participant (with Dollar Currency)
Bank: BRI
Account Number: 035902000440304
Branch Name: Jakarta Gatot Subroto
Currency: US Dollar (USD)
Bank Note: icseea2024 paper no xxx
4. Publication in proceedings/special issue journals entail additional charge
5. One registration form per abstract/person
6. By completing this registration form, you have read, understood and agreed to the registration and privacy policies as stated on this form.
7. Send the transaction receipt to us by following link:
Upload Presentation File & Video for Online Presenter
- Online presenters must present their materials through recorded presentation in the format of video
- The video needs to show the slide presentation and the face of presenters while presenting. Please use official virtual Background of ICSEEA 2024 below:
- Maximun duration of the video is 8 minutes
- Maximum file size: 250 MB
- Please give file name to the video or presentation file: Video/PPT_Article ID. Example: Video_ICSEEA 2024_Article ID or PPT_ICSEEA 2024_Article ID (Abstrack ID)
- Submit the presentation file and presentation video no later than February 25th, 2024, by following link:
Upload Presentation File for Offline Presenter
- Oflline presenters must present their materials directly and sent the power point file no later than February 25th, 2024 by following link:
- Please give file name to the presentation file: PPT_Article ID. Example: PPT_ICSEEA 2024_Article ID
Seminar Rules & Regulation
- While attending the seminar, participants and invited guests are required to dress neatly and politely.
- Participants are required to join the virtual room 15 minutes before the event starts.
- Participants are required to follow the name format (Article ID_Name_ICSEEA2024).
- Participants must activate the camera and use the background provided by the committee.
- Participants are required to mute the sound during the conference and unmute the sound when requested.
- During parallel sessions, speaker participants are expected to remain in their respective rooms on standby waiting for their scheduled presentations.
- Seminar participants are allowed to join each room provided by the committee.
Virtual Conference Guidelines
- All participants are strongly advised to send a previously recorded presentation video. Video will be used as a backup if participants are unable to present live due to connection errors.
- Before you connect to the virtual room, please open your PowerPoint presentation on your desktop.
- Download and install Zoom software via https://zoom.us
- There will be three (3) parallel sessions conducted during the conference, hence, please ensure that you are entering the correct virtual room for your session. All presenters must be in the virtual room throughout the session.
- Sessions (in this case, meetings) will be opened by the host 30 min prior to the starting time, to allow every participant to join on time. No sessions will start before the host opens the session.
- Each session will be hosted by a moderator. The Moderator will introduce the presenters, handling the Q&A by reading all the written questions (in the chat box), and closes the session.
- All presenters will be given 8 min for presentation/ video presentation. A reminder will be announced 2 min prior to the end of the presentation time. In the case when presenters go unreasonably long with their presentations, the chairperson has the right to cut them off. 3-5 min will be allocated for the Q & A session.
- Please use raise hand icon if you want to pose a question to the presenter or you can address your question in the chat box, so the chairperson can read it during the Q&A session.
- All participants will enter the session in mute mode (to avoid interruptions of presentations that may be occurring). The hosts (ICSEEA2024_ Host) will enable the sound as soon as it is fit. The hosts will be monitored the sessions, so if you have any technical questions during the session, you can send chat messages to them, so they can assist you.
Important Date

Conference Venue

The Stones Hotel, Bali - Indonesia
As an alternative to booking a hotel, you can use the following link that will be open on 26th February 2024:
Previous Publication
- 2022 ICSEEA, Evergreen (Volume 10)
- 2020 ICSEEA, IEEE Xplore Proceeding
- 2019 ICSEEA, IEEE Xplore Proceeding
- 2018 ICSEEA, IEEE Xplore Proceeding
- 2017 ICSEEA, IEEE Xplore Proceeding
- 2016 ICSEEA, IEEE Xplore Proceeding
- 2015 ICSEEA, IEEE Xplore Proceeding
- 2014 ICSEEA, Energy Procedia
- 2012 ICSEEA, Energy Procedia
Previous Event
The previous conference of ICSEEA :
- 10th 2022 ICSEEA: http://conference.brin.go.id/icseea-2022
- 9th 2021 ICSEEA: http://situs.opi.lipi.go.id/icseea2021
- 8th 2020 ICSEEA: http://situs.opi.lipi.go.id/icseea2020
- 7th 2019 ICSEEA: http://situs.opi.lipi.go.id/icseea2019
- 6th 2018 ICSEEA: http://situs.opi.lipi.go.id/icseea2018
- 5th 2017 ICSEEA: http://situs.opi.lipi.go.id/icseea2017
- 4th 2016 ICSEEA: http://situs.opi.lipi.go.id/icseea2016
- 3rd 2015 ICSEEA: http://situs.opi.lipi.go.id/icseea2015
- 2nd 2014 ICSEEA: http://lipi.go.id/icseea2014
- 1st 2012 ICSEEA: http://lipi.go.id/icseea2012
This conference will be held offline and online on 28th to 29th February, 2024.
We invite you to join the plenary sessions via YouTube Channel.
Steering Committee:
Dr. Haznan Abimanyu, Dip. Ing. (Head of Research Organization for Energy and Manufacture BRIN, Indonesia)
Dr. Cuk Supriyadi Ali Nandar, S.T., M.Eng (Head of Research Center for Energy Conversion and Conservation BRIN, Indonesia)
Dr. Hens Saputra, S.T., M.Eng (Head of Research Center for Process and Manufacturing Industry Technology BRIN, Indonesia)
Dr. Mahfudz Al Huda, M.Eng (Head of Research Center for Structural Strength Technology BRIN, Indonesia)
Dr. Ing. Ir. Widjo Kongko, M.Eng (Head of Research Center for Hydrodynamics Technology BRIN, Indonesia)
Nur Tjahyo Eka Darmayanti, S.Si, M.Si (Head of Research Center for Testing Technology and Standards BRIN, Indonesia)
Nugroho Adi Sasongko, S.T, M.Sc, Ph.D. (Head of Research Center for Sustainable Production System and Life Cycle Assessment BRIN)
Dr. Eng. Aam Muharam, M.T. (Head of Research Center for Transportation Technology BRIN, Indonesia)
Scientific Committee:
Alexander Christantho Budiman Ph.D (Research Center for Transportation Technology BRIN, Indonesia)
Dr. Sri Djangkung Sumbogo Murti, B.Eng. (Research Center for Process and Manufacturing Industry Technology BRIN, Indonesia)
Professor Masao Furusho (Emeritus Professor, Graduate School of Maritime Sciences, Kobe University, Japan)
Dr. Wong Yiik Diew (Associate Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Professor Cho Sang-Rai (Emeritus Professor, School of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, University of Ulsan, South Korea)
Professor Fatwa Firdaus Abdi (School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, the People’s Republic of China)
Dr. Rafet Kurt (Department of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Marine Engineering, Strathclyde University, United Kingdom)
Professor Sangjo Choi (Kyungpook National University, South Korea)
Professor Aase Reyes (Department of Built Environment, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway)
Organizing Committee:
Dhea Amelia, A.Md.T
Dwie Vannia Dianti, S.T
Dwie Vannia Dianti, S.T
Secretariat of ICSEEA 2024
Research Organization for Energy and Manufacture,
National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Indonesia
Kawasan Puspiptek BRIN, Tangerang Selatan
Email: icseea2024@brin.go.id