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- 20 Oct 2022: Notification of Rescheduling the Conference has been released below. Registered participants have also been notified by email.
- 14 Aug 2022: Deadline for abstract submission has been extended to 10 September 2022
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Notification of Rescheduling the Conference
Dear Participants,
We wanted to reach out to you during this difficult and uncertain time, we have taken the decision to postpone the 6th ILCAN Conference Series on Life Cycle Assessment 2022.
We have been closely monitoring the situation and we are now working diligently to secure a new date. We will provide updates and information as we move to reschedule and you will be the first to know when we have a new date confirmed.
Please send us an email with any questions or concerns you may have regarding the postponement of this event.
In the meantime, please stay safe.
Thank you.
Best Regards,
Organizing Committee
The 6th ILCAN Conference on Life Cycle Assessment
The 6th ILCAN Conference Series on Life Cycle Asessment 2022
Life cycle thinking has been embraced by governments and industries, especially with an immediate increase in the number of organizations implementing the recent version of ISO 14001. Increased participation in voluntary sustainability reporting also provides evidence of the prevalence of the sustainability concept.
We believe that this development can serve as an essential step toward the spread of LCA studies in the future. Furthermore, the recent adoption of ISO 14040/44 as national standards in 2016/2017 also marked the commitment of Indonesian governments in LCA and is expected to stimulate the adoption of LCA based environmental labels, such as carbon footprint, environmental product declaration, and product environmental footprint. The research and application of LCA in Indonesia are still in its infancy, as partly proved by a relatively small number of publications as compared to some other Southeast Asian countries. However, there was a notable increase in publication over the last 5 years, indicating a growing interest in LCA, mainly from academics and to less extent from private sectors.
Although LCA has not been explicitly formulated in the national strategies and legislation, Indonesian governments do require life cycle thinking to inform policy-making. Nevertheless, the lack of incentives for green products, LCA programs, LCA expertise, and localized inventory data hampers its implementation. In the future, improvement should focus on LCA capacity building, the establishment of a forum to communicate LCA studies and resources, development of national life cycle inventory databases, and provision of market incentives for green products.
The 6th ILCAN Conference Series on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) will be held by hybrid system (offline and online), hosted from DRN Building, Puspiptek, Serpong, Indonesia to discuss the state of the art of research and development on LCA, Sustainable productions, Environmental Product Development, and related topic on LCA applications.
Welcome Address (*all speakers will be confirmed for the new date soon)
(*all speakers will be confirmed for the new date soon)

Prof. Dr. Novizar Nazir
Professor, University of Andalas, West Sumatra
Dr. Nugroho Adi Sasongko
Director, Research Center for Sustainable Production System and Life Cycle Assessment, BRIN
Ir. Sigit Reliantoro, M.Sc.
Director General of Pollution and Environmental Damage Control, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia
Dr. Kiman Siregar
Chair of ILCAN; University of Syiah Kuala, Aceh.
Invited Speakers (*all speakers will be confirmed for the new date soon)

Dr. Alexander Röder
Managing Director, Institut Bauen und Umwelt eV, Germany
Debbie Steckel
Executive Director, American Center for LCA, United States
Prof. Dr. Ryozo Noguchi
Professor, Kyoto University, Japan
Prof. Dr. Anthony Halog
Professor, University of Queensland, Australia
Prof. Dr. Hung Suck Park*
Professor, Ulsan University, South Korea (*on confirmation)

Andreas Ciroth
CEO, GreenDelta, Germany
Jitti Mungkalasiri, PhD.
National Science and Technology Development Agency, Thailand
Prof. Dr. Wahidul Biswas
Professor, Curtin University, Australia
Kim Kwan Young
Director, Green Technology Partnership Initiative (GTPI), Korea (*on confirmation)
Dr. Edi Iswanto Wiloso
Research Center for Sustainable Production System and Life Cycle Assessment, BRIN
Conference Track
The link of call for paper and manuscript submission: https://easychair.org/cfp/6thICSoLCA2022
Research Theme
Scope of research ICSoLCA topics can be related, but not limited to, following topics:
1. LCA applications on water, and energy (SDGs: 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15).
2. Agro-Industry, Palm Oil.
3. Life cycle assessment, Life Cycle Inventory, Life Cycle Impact Assessment, Data, and database.
4. Life cycle perspective in environmental management system [SDGs: 6, 9, 13].
5. Life cycle approach for technology and product development, innovation on renewable resources [SDGs: 9]
6. Life cycle management system on value chain, industrial ecology [SDG 12]
7. Circular economy for eradicating poverty, decent work, and economic growth [SDG #1, #8, #10]
8. Innovation on energy and resource efficiency using life cycle approach [SDGs: 7, 12]
9. Sustainability reporting and labeling for businesses
10. Sustainability education [SDGs, 4]
11. Environmental footprint, carbon footprint, water footprint [SDG: 6, 7, 13 & 15]
12. Sustainable marine life, infrastructure, and stewardships [SDGs, 14]
13. Women and sustainability [SDGs: 5, 17]
Important Date
*on progress
This event will be held by hybrid system.
Onsite meeting: Andalas University, West Sumatra and DRN Building, Kawasan Puspiptek, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan, Indonesia 15314 (https://goo.gl/maps/rsvLLQTDKVqiymub8)
Virtual meeting: The link will be provided after registration.
Surrounded by many facilities for research and innovation center, Serpong has also provided access to have experience with many shops, cafes, restaurants and entertainments.
You may find accommodation in the google map such as https://www.google.com/maps/search/hotel+sekitar+puspiptek/@-6.3240226,106.6266809,13z/data=!3m1!4b1
The program is under preparation. Please visit this website regularly to get update.
Conference Fee:
Presenter (with submitted paper)** | Presenter (without paper) | Listener (with certificate) | Listener (without certificate)*** | ||
Foreign participant | General | $250 | $100 | $50 | free |
Student | $200 | $50 | $50 | free | |
Domestic Participant | General | Rp. 2.500.000 | Rp. 1.000.000 | Rp. 500.000 | free |
Student | Rp. 2.000.000 | Rp. 500.000 | Rp. 500.000 | free |
* This fee is applicable for online participation. The organizing committee currently restraints the offline meeting to limited numbers. If you are interested in joining, please email us. An additional fee will be charged for offline attendance.
** This fee covers paper publication in proceeding or journal (see the page below for the alternative)
*** Listeners without a certificate of attendance will be notified to join if the capacity is still available
Selected paper will get opportunity to be submitted for publication in:
- Scopus Indexes Proceeding such as: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science https://iopscience.iop.org/journal/1755-1315
- Reguler Issue of Indonesian Journal of Life Cycle Assessment and Sustainability (IJoLCAS: ijolcas.ilcan.or.id/)
Steering Committee
- Dr. Kiman Siregar (Chairman, ILCAN, Indonesia; Lecturer, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia)
- Dr. Nugroho Adi Sasongko (Director, Research Center for Sustainable Production System and LCA, National Research and Innovation Agency – BRIN, Indonesia)
- Dr. Edi Iswanto Wiloso (Senior Scientist, Research Center for Sustainable Production
Organizing committee
- Chairman: Prof. Dr. Novizar Nazir (Professor, University of Andalas, Indonesia & ILCAN)
- Dr. Supriyanto (Assistant Professor, IPB University & ILCAN)
- Arief AR Setiawan (BRIN, Indonesia)
Scientific Committee:
- Dr. Agusta Samodra Putra (BRIN, Indonesia)
- Tri Hendro Utomo, M.Sc. (KLHK, Indonesia)
- Dr. Nuki Agya Utama (Executive Director ASEAN Energy)
- Dr. Joni Jupesta (Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE), Japan)
- Muryanto, S.T. M.T. (BRIN, Indonesia)
For further inquiry, please contact:
- Dr. Supriyanto (debasupriyanto@apps.ipb.ac.id)
- Ulina (for local participant- 0812-8184-1658)