"Energy Transition toward net zero Emission and Sustainable Transportation"
Research Organization for Energy and Manufacture, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) are proud to present the 10th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Engineering and Application 2022 (ICSEEA 2022), This conference will be held hybrid (offline and online) on 22nd to 23rd November, 2022. The objective of the conference is to serve as the confluence point between experts in the academia, research center and industry to present their up-to-date research and works in areas sustainable energy to emerge tremendous benefits for meeting global sustainable needs. The event will be an ideal platform among the participants to interchange novel concepts and latest discoveries around the globe, providing groundwork for future linkages between research and business relations. ICSEEA is attended by government representative, industrial company, international researchers, scientists, and practitioners interested in new and renewable energy, sustainable transportation, instrumentation and technology, and related topics.

Invited Speakers

Associate Professor Muhammad Aziz
The University of Tokyo, Japan

Professor Osman Turan
Naval Architecture, Ocean and Marine Engineering Department
University of Strathclyde

Professor Lim Ock Taeck
The University of Ulsan

Professor Dr. Eng. Eniya Listiyani Dewi, B.Eng, M.Eng.
Research Center for Conversion and Conservation Energy,
National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Indonesia

Dr. Ir. Amin Suhadi, M.Eng.
Research Center for Structural Strength of Technology, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Indonesia
Conference Scopes/Tracks
New and Renewable Energy: Solar Power, Biomass Energy, Hydro Energy, Wind Energy, Hydrogen Energy, Tidal and Wave Energy, Geothermal Power, Tidal, Wave, and Ocean Thermal Energy, Thermoelectric, Energy Conservation, Energy Storage,
Sustainable Transportation: Transport Safety and Security, Water Transportation Modes, Modeling of Sustainable Transportation Modes Control & Facility for Operation of Transportation, Transportation System, Transportation Infrastructure, Electric Vehicle Technology, Prime Mover for Vehicle Transportation and Land Transportation
Instrumentation System and Technology: Theory and application, Instrumentation Systems and Technology, Software development for instrumentation, measurement and control system, Theoritical and Applied Physics, Continuous Measurement and Data Acquisition Instrumentation System, Analysis and Testing Process.
Guideline for Paper Submission
We invite submissions on conference scopes/tracks, but are not limited. Author should submit full technical papers in doc/docx format through EDAS system https://edas.info/N29901. Each paper will be double blind peer-reviewed by experts in the field for originality, contribution and soundness. Authors of accepted paper must guarantee that at least one of the authors will attend the conference and present their paper. All papers must be written in English and formatted following the AIP Conference Proceedings standard. Please download the template with various format using the following links (Microsoft Word; LaTex). Failing to confirm the standard format will result in rejection. Selected paper will be published at EVERGREEN Journal.
Important Date
- Deadline Abstract Submission :
6th August, 2022 - Abstract Acceptance :
12th August, 2022 - Full Paper Submission :
12th September, 2022, Extended to18th September, 2022 - Accepted Notification :
1st October, 202210th October, 2022 - Final Paper (Camera Ready) :
17th October, 202223th October, 2022 - Final Payment and registration : 1st November, 2022
The seminar will be held hybrid (offline: Gedung 124, Pusdiklat BRIN, KST Habibie Puspiptek Serpong, Tangerang Selatan and online using multiple platforms). The platform will be announced later. In general, the plenary session will be using Meeting platform and Live interaction platform. While parallel sessions will be using Meeting platform limited to the participant in each room
The Proceedings of previous ICSEEA have been published in IEEE Xplore and energy procedia:
Previous Event
The previous conference of ICSEEA :
- 9th 2021 ICSEEA: http://situs.opi.lipi.go.id/icseea2021
- 8th 2020 ICSEEA: http://situs.opi.lipi.go.id/icseea2020
- 7th 2019 ICSEEA: http://situs.opi.lipi.go.id/icseea2019
- 6th 2018 ICSEEA: http://situs.opi.lipi.go.id/icseea2018
- 5th 2017 ICSEEA: http://situs.opi.lipi.go.id/icseea2017
- 4th 2016 ICSEEA: http://situs.opi.lipi.go.id/icseea2016
- 3rd 2015 ICSEEA: http://situs.opi.lipi.go.id/icseea2015
- 2nd 2014 ICSEEA: http://lipi.go.id/icseea2014
- 1st 2012 ICSEEA: http://lipi.go.id/icseea2012
This conference will be held offline and online on 22nd to 23rd November, 2022.
We invite you to join the plenary sessions via YouTube Channel.

virtual background can be download here
There are three categories of participation in ICSEEA 2022:
1. Presentations with papers for Professional (Registration Fee: Online: IDR 2,500,000,-; Offline: IDR 4.000.000,-)
2. Presentations with papers for Student (Registration Fee: Online: IDR 2,250,000,-; Offline: IDR 3.500.000,-)
3. Participant non-Presenter (Registration Fee: Online: IDR 250,000,-; Offline:IDR 500.000,-)
Registration through this website is for the purpose of information only. All editorial process, e.g. paper submission, review, are conducted through EDAS System (https://edas.info/N29901). If you have not submit your full paper through EDAS, we would like to recommend you to do so as soon as possible. All registration should be done online through the web. Please fill the following registration form for ICSEEA 2022.
- Registration form for ICSEEA 2022 presenters (BRIN participants)
- Registration form for ICSEEA 2022 presenters (non-BRIN participants)
- Registration form for ICSEEA 2022 paticipants non-presenter
All registration and payment should be done online through the website no later than November 11, 2022.
Organizing Committee
Advisory Board:
Dr. Haznan Abimanyu, Dip. Ing. (Head of Research Organization for Energy and Manufacture BRIN, Indonesia)
Dr. Eng. Aam Muharam (Head of Research Center for Transportation Technology BRIN, Indonesia)
Alexander Christantho Budiman, Ph.D. (Research Center for Transportation Technology BRIN, Indonesia)
Dr. Hens Saputra, S.T., M.Eng. (Head of Research Center for Process and Manufacturing Industry Technology BRIN, Indonesia)
Dr. Mahfudz Al Huda, M.Eng. (Head of Research Center for Structural Strength Technology BRIN, Indonesia)
Nur Tjahyo Eka Darmayanti, S.Si,., M.Si. (Head of Research Center for Testing Technology and Standards BRIN, Indonesia)
Dr. Ing. Ir. Widjo Kongko, M.Eng. (Head of Research Center for Hydrodynamics Technology BRIN, Indonesia)
Dr. Cuk Supriyadi Ali Nandar, S.T., M.Eng. (Head of Research Center for Conversion and Conservation Energy BRIN, Indonesia)
Nugroho Adi Sasongko, Ph.D. (Head of Research Center for Sustainable Production System and Life Cycle Assessment BRIN)
Organizing Committee:
Conference Chair:
Dr. Sri Djangkung Sumbogo Murti, B.Eng. (Research Center for Process and Manufacturing Industry Technology BRIN, Indonesia)
Conference Vice-Chair:
Dr. Euis Djubaedah, S.T., M.T. (Research Center for Conversion and Conservation Energy BRIN, Indonesia)
Technical Program Committee:
Technical Program Committee Chair:
Muhammad Haekal Habibie, M.Si. (Research Center for Testing Technology and Standards BRIN, Indonesia)
Technical Program Committee Co-Chair:
Budi Azhari, M.Eng. (Research Center for Smart Mechatronics BRIN, Indonesia)
Sudirja, M.T. (Research Center for Transportation Technology BRIN, Indonesia)
Catur Hilman A.H.B. Baskoro, M.T. (Research Center for Smart Mechatronics BRIN, Indonesia)
Mohamad Luthfi Ramadiansyah, S.T. (Research Center for Smart Mechatronics BRIN, Indonesia)
Muhamad Hafil Nugraha, M.T. (Research Center for Smart Mechatronics BRIN, Indonesia)
Bayu Utomo, S.T., M.Sc. (Research Center for Testing Technology and Standards BRIN, Indonesia)
Novio Valentino, S.T. (Research Center for Conversion and Conservation Energy BRIN, Indonesia)
Beny Halfina, S.T., M.Eng. (Research Center for Transportation Technology BRIN, Indonesia)
Dr. Novi Syaftika, S.Si., M.Eng. (Research Center for Process and Manufacturing Industry Technology BRIN, Indonesia)
Fusia Mirda Yanti, S.Si., M.Si. (Research Center for Process and Manufacturing Industry Technology BRIN, Indonesia)
Ade Andini, S.T., M.T., M.Eng., Ph.D. (Research Center for Process and Manufacturing Industry Technology BRIN, Indonesia)
Gissa Navira Sevie, S.T., M.T. (Research Center for Process and Manufacturing Industry Technology BRIN, Indonesia)
Septina Is Heriyanti, S.Si., M.Sc. (Research Center for Process and Manufacturing Industry Technology BRIN, Indonesia)
Arfiana, S.T., M.T. (Research Center for Process and Manufacturing Industry Technology BRIN, Indonesia)
Asep Yayat Nurhidayat, S.T., M.T. (Research Center for Transportation Technology BRIN, Indonesia)
Gilang Cempaka Kusuma, S.T. (Research Center for Structural Strength Technology BRIN, Indonesia)
Sudirja, M.T. (Research Center for Transportation Technology BRIN, Indonesia)
Lia Amelia, S.T. (Research Center for Process and Manufacturing Industry Technology BRIN, Indonesia)