"Emerging Science and Industrial Innovation in Electronics and Telecommunication"
The 2022 International Conference on Radar, Antenna, Microwave, Electronics and Telecommunications (ICRAMET) will be held virtually on December 6th - 7th, 2022. The conference is an annual event organized by Research Center for Telecommunication, National Research and Innovation Agency that aims to bring together researchers, scientists, engineers, scholar students and practitioners interested in the advanced technologies of communication and electronics including Remote Sensing and Radar System, Antenna Devices and Techniques, RF and Microwave Theory and Devices, Electronics Materials, Devices and Components/Circuits, Wireless and Wired Communications, Signal and Image Processing Techniques, Control system, robotics and mechatronics, and related topics.
The ICRAMET provides a forum for exchange of information on the state-of-the art research within all of the related topics as well as aims to build and strengthen scientific cooperation among the research institutions. The 2022 ICRAMET is also co-sponsored by IEEE Indonesian Section. This website is the only official website of The ICRAMET 2022. The other conferences entitled ICRAMET is not correlated to this conference.

Invited Speakers

Thomas D. Anthopoulos is a Professor of Material Science and Engineering at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia, where he has been since January 2017. He received his B.Eng. and D.Phil. degrees from Staffordshire University in UK. He then spent two years at the University of St. Andrews (UK) where he worked on new materials for application in organic light-emitting diodes before join Philips Research Laboratories in The Netherlands to focus on organic transistors and printed microelectronics. From 2006 to 2017 he held faculty positions at Imperial College London (UK), first as an EPSRC Advanced Fellow and later as a Reader and Professor of Experimental Physics. His research interests are diverse and cover the development and application of novel processing paradigms and the physics, chemistry & application of functional materials.

Prof. Hujun Yin is a Professor of Artificial Intelligence at the University of Manchester. He is also the head of Business Engagement in AI and Data for the Faculty of Science and Engineering. His research areas include AI, machine learning, deep learning, signal/image processing, pattern recognition, time series modelling, and bio-/neuro-informatics. He has supervised over twenty PhD students and published over 200 peer-reviewed articles. Prof. Yin has received over £3 million research funding from UK research councils, EPSRC, BBSRC, Innovate UK and industries and has had over 25 funded projects. Many of his projects involve local industries and SMEs in developing cutting edge solutions. He has served or has been serving as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, the IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, and the International Journal of Neural Systems. He has also served as the General Cahir or Programme Chair for a number of international conferences in AI, machine learning and data analytics. He is a member of the EPSRC Peer Review College (since 2006), a senior member of the IEEE (since 2003) and a Turing Fellow to the Alan Turing Institute (since 2018).

Goib Wiranto received the Ph.D degree in electronics engineering from University of South Australia, in 2000. Currently, He is a Professor of Sensor and MEMS technology at National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN). His main research interests include Sensor for Environmental Monitoring, Wireless Sensor, MEMS Technology, Materials for Sensor and Solar Cells. He has received various research funding from Government and Industries with over 20 funded projects. He was a Project Manager for project Brantas River Water Quality and Pollution Management Project (BRWQPM) and has managed over IDR 500 billion research funding in 2002 – 2004. He served as a Principal Investigator for project National Research Incentive in Development of Autonomous Self-Powered Wireless Multi Parameter Sensors for Water Pollution Early Warning System and received research funding from Ministry of Science and Technology, in 2017-2019. He also serves as reviewer for IEEE conferences and journals.

Linus Andor Mulana Sijabat currently is a Director of Business Strategy and Portfolio at PT LEN Industri. He obtained his bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering at Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) in 1994. Previously trusted as General Manager of the Transportation System Business Unit at Len (2017), served as Director of Technology & Operations at PT LRS (subsidiary – hired) in 2011-2016, as Project Design Manager for Transportation Business Unit in 2009-2011. He was also the coordinator of 3 Double Track Acceleration Cross North, POKJA Semarang Bojonegoro, from 2012 to 2013.
Conference Scopes/Tracks
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Remote Sensing and Radar System
Radar systems analysis and modeling, Radar and signal processing, Short range FM radar, Millimeter-wave radar targets, Radar reflectivity (land and sea), Radar system performance modeling, Interception and analysis of radar signal, Signal detection and estimation - Antenna Devices and Techniques
Antenna design, modelling, simulation - RF and Microwave Theory and Devices
RF and microwave circuit design, engineering, physical aspects of RF and microwave devices, electromagnetic fields and waves - Electronics Materials, Devices, Components, and Circuits
Microelectronics, integrated circuits, semiconductor devices, photonic devices, optics, sensor, biosensor, photovoltaic and magnetic materials - Wireless and Wired Communications
IoT, 5G, WiMAX, mobile broadband, cellular technology - Signal and Image Processing Techniques
Digital signal processing, coding and transmission, signal processing in communication, image acquisition, storage and retrieval - Control System, Robotics and Mechatronics
Intelligence Control Systems, Fuzzy Control Systems, Control Theory,Real Time Control Systems, IoT, embedded systems, system on chip (SoC)
Guideline for Paper Submission
All papers must be submitted electronically through EDAS (https://edas.info/N29841). All papers must be written in English and formatted following the IEEE Xplore standard (double-column format A4 size). Please download the template with various format using the following links. Failing to confirm the standard format will result in rejection.
- All papers must be submitted electronically through EDAS Conference papers submission system (https://edas.info/N29841). All regular and invited papers are limited to six (6) pages. Authors may upload longer manuscript up to a maximum of eight (8) pages total. However, each page in excess of six will incur an additional charge of 100 USD. Our EDAS system will not permit longer papers to be uploaded.
- The decision regarding the acceptance of the papers is at the discretion of the Technical Program Committee. Note that short manuscripts are not considered.
- Upon acceptance, at least one of the authors listed in the paper must attend the conference and (online) present the paper according to the schedule of the conference. In the event that the presenter is unable to attend the conference for any reasons, your accepted paper will not be considered for submission of the proceeding to the IEEE Xplore.
- At least one of the authors listed on the paper must register for the 2022 ICRAMET to upload the final manuscript.
Only papers that have been presented at the conference and corrected according to reviewer(s) suggestion will be considered to be included in the final proceedings for the submission to the IEEE Xplore digital library.
Important Date
- Call for Paper: May 30th, 2022
- Full Paper Submission: September 10th, 2022, Extended to September 30th, 2022, Extended to October 14th, 2022
- Notification of Accepted Paper: November 14th, 2022
- Camera Ready & Final Manuscript of Revised Full Paper (MS Word & PDF): November 21st, 2022
- Final registration and payment deadline: November 27th, 2022
- Main conference events: December 6-7th, 2022
The seminar will be held online using multiple platforms. The platform will be announced later. In general, the plenary session will be using Meeting platform and Live interaction platform. While parallel sessions will be using Meeting platform limited to the participant in each room
All presented paper will be submitted to IEEE Xplore as a final proceeding of the 2022 ICRAMET.
The Proceedings of previous ICRAMET have been published in IEEE Xplore:
Previous Event
The previous conference of ICRAMET :
- 2021 ICRAMET: http://situs.opi.lipi.go.id/icramet2021/
- 2020 ICRAMET: http://situs.opi.lipi.go.id/icramet2020/
- 2019 ICRAMET: http://situs.opi.lipi.go.id/icramet2019/
- 2018 ICRAMET: http://situs.opi.lipi.go.id/icramet2018/
- 2017 ICRAMET: http://situs.opi.lipi.go.id/icramet2017/
- 2016 ICRAMET: http://situs.opi.lipi.go.id/icramet2016/
- 2015 ICRAMET: http://situs.opi.lipi.go.id/icramet2015/
Programme (Tentative)
Day 1 (Tuesday, 6 December 2022)
08.00 – 08.15 : Registration
Link Zoom (shared to all presenters and participants)
08.15 – 08.20 : Program Outlining
08.20 – 08.30 : Opening Remark
Dr. Yana Taryana (Chair of ICRAMET 2022)
08.30 – 08.35 : Opening Remark
Dr. Dipl. Ing. Michael Andreas Purwoadi, DEA (Head of PRT, BRIN)
08.35 – 08.40 : Opening Remark
Dr. Ing. Wahyudi Hasbi (Indonesia Section IEEE)
08.40 – 08.45 : Welcome Speech
Dr. Budi Prawara (Head of OR-EI, BRIN)
08.45 – 08.50 : Screen Capturing Session
08.50 – 09.35 : Keynote Talk #1
09.35 – 10.20 : Keynote Talk #2
10.20 – 10.30 : Morning Break
10.30 – 12.00 : Parallel session #1 (breakout into 2 rooms)
12.00 – 13.00 : Lunch Break
13.00 – 14.40 : Parallel session #2 (breakout into 2 rooms)
14.40 – 14.50 : Afternoon Break
14.50 – 16.35 : Parallel session #3 (breakout into 2 rooms)
16.35 – 16.40 : Closing Day #1
Day 2 (Wednesday, 7 December 2022)
08.10 – 08.25 : Registration
Link Zoom (shared to all presenters and participants)
08.25 – 08.30 : Program Outlining
08.30 – 09.15 : Keynote Talk #3
09.15 – 10.00 : Keynote Talk #4
10.00 – 10.10 : Morning Break
10.10 – 12.00 : Parallel session #1 (breakout into 2 rooms)
12.00 – 13.00 : Lunch Break
13.00 – 14.40 : Parallel session #2 (breakout into 2 rooms)
14.40 – 14.50 : Afternoon Break
14.50 – 15.00 : Awards
TPC team
15.00 – 15.35 : Closing Remarks
Dr. Yana Taryana
- Keynote speakers: 30-minute presentation + 15-minute Q&A
- Regular presenters: 15-minute presentation + 5-minute Q&APC
There are three categories of participation in ICRAMET 2022:
- Presentations with papers for IEEE Member* (Registration Fee: IDR 1,850,000 / US$ 150)
- Presentations with papers for non-IEEE Member (Registration Fee: IDR 2,100,000 / US$ 170)
- Non-speaker (Registration Fee: IDR 250,000 / US$ 20)
*) Proof of IEEE membership needs to be included
Registration through this website is for the purpose of information only. All editorial process, e.g. paper submission, review, are conducted through EDAS System (https://edas.info/N29841). If you have not submit your full paper through EDAS, we would like to recommend you to do so as soon as possible.
Please be advised that we follow IEEE policy for non-presented paper (source: IEEE-Handling of Non-Presented Papers). IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference, including IEEEXplore Digital Library, if the paper is not presented by the author at the conference.
All registration should be done online through the web. The status of registration is accessible at the participant list page. Username is the same as your registration number.
Password reminder will be sent to the email used in the registration.
The first deadline for full paper submission is September 10th, 2022. The payment method will be communicated through the organizer’s official email (icramet@brin.go.id). Therefore, please write your email correctly in the registration form. Be aware also that sometimes our mail can be regarded as SPAM in your mailbox.
Bank account for Registration Payment:
Beneficiary name: CV.SARASA INDO KARYA
Bank Name : Bank Mandiri (Branch Juanda Bogor)
IDR Bank Account: 1330014533061
USD Bank Account: 1330014533061
Swift code: BMRIIDJA
Organizing Committee
Advisory Board
Dr. Eng. Budi Prawara (Head of Organization Research of Electronics and Informatics BRIN, Indonesia)
Dr. Dipl. Ing. Michael Andreas Purwoadi, DEA (Head of Research Center for Telecommunication BRIN, Indonesia)
Yusuf Nur Wijayanto, Ph.D. (Head of Research Center for Electronics BRIN, Indonesia)
Dr.-Ing. Wahyudi Hasbi, S.Si, M.Kom (Chair of the IEEE Indonesia Section)
Organizing Committee
Conference Chair
Dr. Yana Taryana, M.T. (Research Center for Telecommunication BRIN, Indonesia)
Conference Vice-Chair
Yuliar Firdaus Ph.D. (Research Center for Electronics BRIN, Indonesia)
Technical Program Committee
TPC Chair
Budiman Putra Asmaur Rohman, Ph.D. (Research Center for Telecommunication BRIN, Indonesia)
TPC Co-Chair
Ken Paramayudha, S.T., M.Phil. (Research Center for Telecommunication BRIN, Indonesia)
Track Chairs
Hana Arisesa S.T., M.Eng. (Research Center for Telecommunication BRIN, Indonesia)
Arief Budi Santiko S.T., M.T. (Research Center for Telecommunication BRIN, Indonesia)
Fajri Darwis S.T., M.Eng. (Research Center for Telecommunication BRIN, Indonesia)
Dr. Lia Aprilia (Research Center for Photonics BRIN, Indonesia)
Dr. Suyoto, M.T. (Research Center for Telecommunication BRIN, Indonesia)
Salita Ulitia Prini S.Kom., M.T. (Research Center for Telecommunication BRIN, Indonesia)
Dayat Kurniawan M.T. (Research Center for Telecommunication BRIN, Indonesia)
Mochamad Mardi Marta Dinata M.T. (Research Center for Telecommunication BRIN, Indonesia)
Arumjeni Mitayani M.T. (Research Center for Telecommunication BRIN, Indonesia)
Riyani Jana Yanti, S.T. (Research Center for Telecommunication BRIN, Indonesia)
Rizky Rahmatullah, A.Md.T. (Research Center for Telecommunication BRIN, Indonesia)
Chaeriah Bin Ali Wael M.T. (Research Center for Telecommunication BRIN, Indonesia)
Asih Setiarini S.T., M.Sc. (Research Center for Telecommunication BRIN, Indonesia)
Event Programs
Nadya Larasati Kartika M.Si. (Research Center for Telecommunication BRIN, Indonesia)
Ardita Septiani S.T., M.Sc. (Research Center of Advanced Materials BRIN, Indonesia)
Facilities and Equipment
Yulia Rosidah, S.AB. (Bureau for Public Communication, General Affairs, and Secretariat BRIN, Indonesia)
Prajni Duhita Parawitasari (Bureau for Public Communication, General Affairs, and Secretariat BRIN, Indonesia)
Nurul Fajriyah S.Sos. (Bureau for Public Communication, General Affairs, and Secretariat BRIN, Indonesia)
Promotion Section
Teguh Praludi, M.T. (Research Center for Telecommunication BRIN, Indonesia)
Noorfiya Umniyati, M.I.Kom. (Bureau for Public Communication, General Affairs, and Secretariat BRIN, Indonesia)
IT and Documentation
Herry Samsi, S.T.,M.T. (Center for Scientific Data and Documentation BRIN, Indonesia)
Anton Surahmat S.I.Kom. (Bureau for Public Communication, General Affairs, and Secretariat BRIN, Indonesia)
Siti Kurniawati Fatimah, S.Kom (Center for Scientific Data and Documentation BRIN, Indonesia)
Scientific Committee
- Prof. Hiroshi Murata (Mie University, Japan)
- Prof. Mustapha Yagoub (University of Ottawa, Canada)
- Prof. Arezki Benfdila (Mouloud Mammeri University Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria)
- Prof. Mohand Lagha (Blida1 University, Aeronautical Science Laboratory, Algeria)
- Prof. Shashikant Patil (ViMEET Raigad MS, India)
- Prof. Shahzad Ashraf (Hohai University Changzhou, China)
- Dr. Wazir Zada Khan (Jazan University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
- Dr. Ali Rafiei (University of Technology Sydney, Australia)
- Dr. Joni Simatupang (President University, Indonesia)
- Dr. Azremi Abdullah Al-Hadi (University Malaysia Perlis, Malaysia)
- Dr. Hussain Saleem (University of Karachi, Pakistan)
- Dr. Mustafa Shakir (Superior University, Pakistan)
- Dr. Sandhya Save (University of Mumbai, India)
- Dr. S Kannadhasan (Cheran College of Engineering, India)
- Mr. Iwan Adhicandra (University of Sydney, Australia)
- Mr. Kuncoro Wastuwibowo (Telkom Indonesia, Indonesia)
- Mr. Sumer Can (Diodes, Inc.)
- Mr. Udhaya Kumar Dayalan (Trane Technologies, United States)
- Prof. Goib Wiranto (Research Center for Telecommunication BRIN, Indonesia)
- Dr. Purwoko Adhi Dipl.Ing.,D.E.A. (Research Center for Telecommunication BRIN, Indonesia)
- Dr. Yuyu Wahyu, M.T. (Research Center for Telecommunication BRIN, Indonesia)
- Pamungkas Daud, M.T. (Research Center for Telecommunication BRIN, Indonesia)
- Dr. Dedi, M.T. (Research Center for Advanced Materials BRIN, Indonesia)
- Dr. Nasrullah Armi (Research Center for Telecommunication BRIN, Indonesia)
- Dr. Novrita Idayanti (Research Center for Advanced Materials BRIN, Indonesia)
- Lia Muliani M.T. (Research Center for Electronics BRIN, Indonesia)
- Yusuf Nur Wijayanto, Ph.D. (Research Center for Electronics BRIN, Indonesia)
- Dr. Natalita Maulani Nursam (Research Center for Electronics BRIN, Indonesia)
- Dr. Erry Dwi Kurniawan (Research Center for Telecommunication BRIN, Indonesia)
- Dr. Agus Subekti (Research Center for Telecommunication BRIN, Indonesia)
- Mr. Ana Heryana (Research Center for Data and Information Sciences BRIN, Indonesia)
Secretariat of ICRAMET 2022
Research Center for Telecommunication
National Research and Innovation Agency
Kompleks BRIN Bandung
Jl. Sangkuriang no.21
Email: icramet@brin.go.id