Registration for ICHR 2024 has been closed. Any prospective international participants who wish to register are suggested to contact ICHR committee ( for consideration. Thank you for your high interest in participating in ICHR 2024!

Theme : "Strengthening Health Research and Innovation for future pandemic preparedness"

ICHR 2024

About ICHR 2024

The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), acronymized in Bahasa Indonesia as Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional, is a research institution established in 2021 by the Republic of Indonesia. BRIN encompasses several departmental and non-departmental research institutions within Indonesia and operates directly under the supervision of the President of Indonesia. Presidential Regulation (Peraturan Presiden RI) Number 78 of 2021 designates BRIN as a government institution responsible for research, development, study, application, inventions, innovations, nuclear energy administration, and outer space administration. BRIN’s core mission involves consolidating science and technology resources, including human capital, infrastructure, and budget, to enhance the critical mass, capacity, and competence of Indonesian researchers. These efforts serve as the cornerstone for advancing Indonesia toward its vision for Advanced Indonesia 2045. Additionally, BRIN fosters a research environment aligned with global norms, promoting inclusivity and collaboration with academia, industry, communities, and governments both nationally and internationally. Furthermore, BRIN contributes to building a robust and sustainable research-based economic foundation, emphasizing the digital–green–blue economy.

BRIN has established twelve research organizations, each responsible for distinct study topics based on the expertise of relevant experts. Among these, the Research Organization for Health was founded to address Indonesia’s national burdens, as outlined in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) roadmaps. Beyond contributing data to top-tier publications, the research results and innovative inventions must be disseminated to foster knowledge sharing and experiences among researchers and academia, both nationally and globally. In 2022, the Research Organization of Health BRIN successfully hosted its first international conference known as the International Conference on Health Research (ICHR), themed “Current Progression on Enhancing Health Quality: From Research Chamber to Clinical Implementation.” However, reflecting on the global unpreparedness and upheaval caused by the recent COVID-19 pandemic, especially in Indonesia, the Organization of Health BRIN recognizes the urgency of organizing its second International Conference in 2024. The conference theme will be “Strengthening Health Research and Innovation for Future Pandemic Preparedness.” The purpose of this 2nd ICHR is to provide a platform for researchers and academic personnel to share insights and knowledge related to past pandemics, predict disease potential for future outbreaks, and foster collaborative bridges among participants. Researchers, scholars, and practitioners in health and health-related fields are warmly invited to join and contribute their valuable research findings at our conference.

Furthermore, we recognize that effective knowledge dissemination relies on a robust publisher—one that has meticulously mapped its market, grasped its strategic direction, and specialized in specific subject areas. Such a publisher gains recognition from a wide spectrum of relevant scholars and individuals seeking scientific information. Consequently, we recommend that several journals (indexed by Scopus) publish our carefully pre-screened submissions. These submissions, while categorized into several specific domains, align broadly with the focus of this prospective journal. We understand that initiating multi-institutional collaboration hinges on trust, reliability, and accountability. Considering this, we offer the most recent update regarding our upcoming event, scheduled for August 28-29, 2024.

ICHR 2024


ICHR 2024

Opening Remarks


Dr. Laksana Tri Handoko 

Chairman of National Research and Innovation Agency, Republic of Indonesia


Prof. Dr. drh. NLP Indi Dharmayanti, M.Si 

Head of Research Organization for Health, BRIN

ICHR 2024

Keynote Speakers


Ir. Budi Gunadi Sadikin, CHFC., CLU*

Ministry of Health Indonesia


Prof. Dr. Koichi Watashi

National Institute of Infectious Diseases antiviral drug discovery research, Japan 


Aaron Neal, Ph.D

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID); National Institute of Health (NIH), USA


Prof. Shaw-Fang Yet

National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan

dong-il ahn

Prof. Dr. Dong-il AHN

Yonsei University, Graduate School of Public Health, South Korea

giovanni catoli

 Giovanni Cattoli, Ph.D

Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie, Italia


Prof. Naruhiko Ishiwada

Chiba University, Japan


Prof. Enoch Y. Park

Shizuoka University, Japan


ICHR 2024

Invited Speakers

dr. Harapan, DTM&H., M.Infect.Dis. Ph.D

Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia

Prof. Dr. Elfahmi, S.Si. M.Si

Faculty of Pharmacy, ITB, Indonesia

dr. Anis Karuniawati, Sp.MK(K), Ph.D

Faculty of Medicine, UI, Indonesia

Prof. Dr. Eng. Wisnu Jatmiko, S.I., M.Kom

Faculty of Computer Sciences, UI, Indonesia

Prof. Dr. drh. NLP. Indi Dharmayanti, M.Si

Head of Research Organization for Health, BRIN

Dr. Wahyu Pudji Nugraheni, S.K.M., M.Kes.

Research Center for Public Health and Nutrition, BRIN

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Hanafi

Research Center for Pharmaceutical Ingredients and Traditional Medicine, BRIN

A’liyatur Rosyidah, Ph.D

Research Center for Vaccine and Drugs, BRIN


ICHR 2024

Abstract Submission

Abstract (Deadline for Abstract Submission : May 1st, 2024)

Important notice: The submitted abstract should make it clear that the report is research, metadata analysis, or systematic review

Specific and clear title in English, Maximum 15 Words.

Written in one paragraph, 200-400 words. 

ICHR 2024

Important Dates

Call for Abstract : March 29th,  2024

Deadline for Abstract Submission : May 1st,  2024

Abstract Acceptance Notifications: May 15th, 2024

Full Paper Submission : July 20th, 2024

Payment Deadline: July 31st, 2024

Presentation Submissions (video): August 7th, 2024

Conference Day : August 28 – 29th, 2024

ICHR 2024


·         Molekul (Scopus Q3, BRIN’s index: Jurnal Bereputasi, APC IDR 2.500.000 or USD 200)

·         Indonesian Biomedical Journal (Scopus Q3, BRIN’s index: Jurnal Bereputasi, APC IDR 7.500.000)

·         International Journal of One Health (Scopus Q2, BRIN’s index: Jurnal Bereputasi Menengah, APC USD 400 or USD 600)

·         Medical Journal of Indonesia (Scopus Q3, BRIN’s index: Jurnal Bereputasi, APC IDR 6.000.000 or USD 400)

·        Proceeding in The SciTePress Digital Library

ICHR 2024


ICHR 2024

Registration Fee


Registration Payment Method

Payment by Bank Transfer to:

Bank: Bank Mandiri

Account number: 164-00-0529367-7

Name: Perhimpunan Periset Indonesia Kota Tangerang Selatan

Please send the payment confirmation to :

ICHR 2024


Steering Committee

Organizing Committee

ICHR 2024


Online Zoom

ICHR 2024


Dr. A.B. Naro Putra

Ria Yudha P.R,. M.P.H

Dr. Tia Okselni

Secretariat —

Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 8 Jakarta, Indonesia

