Fostering Innovation and Increasing the Economic Value of Biomass and Bioproducts through Scientific Discovery, Technological Progress, and Industrial Partnership

The 17 goals of sustainable development have been adopted by all the United Nations Member States since 2015. Not only providing a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for the people and the planet, but the agenda also identifies that the global acts to end the poverty, to tackle climate change and to preserve our biosphere shall be performed together with the strategies to improve health and education, to reduce inequality, and to stimulate economic growth. 
The urgent call for actions is translated into several outreach activities to provide a substantial support in achieving the sustainable development goals by all the countries-developed and developing-in a global partnership. Science, technology, and innovation, together with the climate change mitigation, are two thematic-ongoing activities alongside other sectors such as urbanization, transportation, water, ocean, waste management, and energy.  To successfully deliver these roles, more specific policies such as bioeconomy is presented to reinforce the strong connection and to ensure the balance among the society, economy, and the sustainable environment. In a global context, the bioeconomy strategy connects the sustainable use of renewable biological resources for food, bio-based products, and bioenergy while maintaining the safety and restoration of biodiversity, ecosystems, and natural habitat. In a more scientific context, the utilization of bio-based products or the conversion of lignocellulose biomass into bioproducts or bioenergy develop substitutes to fossil-based materials that are biodegradable, renewable, recyclable, and more economical. These efforts create an emerging sector in the field of biomass conversion and bio-based smart materials that will lead to sustainable development of this industry.
As a scientific community, we aim to design and to assess effective solutions for a sustainable future as one of the actions we can actively contribute to the sustainable development goals and climate change mitigation.  Therefore, our step-up action is to gather all the researchers, scientists, academia, and practitioners in a two-day conference and symposium entitled “The 2nd International Conference of Lignocellulose.” In these events, they will share their latest discovery in the field of science and technology by providing a strong knowledge basis with confidence that their works are built on a sound understanding of the global issues. The event is anticipated to be the largest forum for the scientific community as a platform to foster their innovation through scientific discovery and technological progress as well as  to increase the economic value of sustainable materials through industrial partnership.  

Keynote Speakers

Invited Speakers

Conference Track

Deadline Abstract


Deadline Full Paper Submission

31st August 2022

Accepted Notification

30th September 2022

Final Submission of Revised Full Paper

30th October 2022

Final Payment 

15th November 2022

Video Presentation Deadline

31st October 2022

Symposium  Event

24th -25th November 2022

Guideline for Paper Submission

1. Submit abstract through our registration link. The template can be downloaded here:

2. Register and submit your abstract through our registration link:

3. We will notify when the scope of your abstract is suitable for our conference.

4. Prepare your paper manuscript according to AIP conference guidelines.

Please download here

5. Please remind that we only accept ORIGINAL ARTICLE

Important Dates

Programme DAY 1

Programme DAY 2








Advisory Panel

Prof. Dr. Bambang Subiyanto, M.Agr.

Prof. Dr. Subyakto, M.Sc.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Euis Hermiati, M.Sc.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Myrtha Karina Sancoyorini M.Agr.

Prof. Wahyu Dwianto M.Agr

Steering & Executive Board

Dr.Widya Fatriasari S.Hut., M.M.

Dr. Lisman Suryanegara, M.Agr.

Dr. Ratih Damayanti S.Hut., M.Si.

Nanang Masruchin, Ph.D


Dr. Yeyen Nurhamiyah S.Si


Dwi Ajias Pramasari S.TP., M.Si

Putri Amanda M.Si.

Bernadeta Ayu Widyaningrum M.Si.

Ina Winarni S.Hut, M.Si, Ph.D.


Dr. Firda Aulya Syamani S.TP., M.Si.

Wida Banar Kusumaningrum, M.Eng.


Dr. Dian Juliadmi

Nissa Nurfajrin Solihat S.Si., M.Sc.

Resti Marlina, M.Si

Riska Surya Ningrum, M.Sc.

Dr. Nuzul Ficky Nuswantoro, S.Si

Dyah Ayu Agustiningrum S.T.P., M.Si

Nidya Chitraningrum, Ph. D.

Nurul Wahyuni S.Hut., M.Si.

Website & IT

Deni Purnomo, S.T.

Dimas Triwibowo S.T

Akhmad Dicky Kurniawan, A.Md.

Kharis Yohan Abidin S.T.

Fazhar Akbar

Andrian Fernandes S.Hut

Fahriansyah S.T,M.T


Research Center of Biomass and Bioproducts

Jl. Raya Bogor km 46. cibinong. Kec. Cibinong, Kab. Bogor, Prov. Jawa Barat. 16911.
