The 13th International Symposium of Indonesian Society for Microbiology
The 10th International Symposium of Innovative Bioproduction Indonesia on Biotechnology and Bioengineering
in conjunction with
The 20th Asian Consortium for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Microbial Resources (ACM) Meeting
The 13th International Symposium of the Indonesian Society for Microbiology (ISISM) 2023 is one of the routinely scientific meeting agenda of the Indonesian Society for Microbiology (PERMI), which is held as a means for sharing knowledge, experience, and research results in research institutions, universities, and industries and establishing collaboration between them. The expected outcome of this meeting is that the research can be widely known by the public and will further utilize the research results, even be developed in collaboration with industry-related microbes and microbial products.
The 10th International Symposium of Innovative Bioproduction Indonesia on Biotechnology and Bioengineering (ISIBio) 2023 is the annually symposium by the Indonesian Biotechnology Consortium (KBI) in collaboration with BRIN. The aim of this symposium is to bring together academics and researchers to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Biotechnology, Bioengineering and Biodiversity. It is also providing a platform for the dissemination and discussion of recent innovation and developments in Biotechnology, Bioengineering and Biodiversity for Sustainable Agriculture, Environment and Health for the welfare of mankind.
The 20th Asian Consortium for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Microbial Resources (ACM) Meeting is the regularly agenda of ACM. The objective of the Consortium is to promote collaboration among government or public organizations in Asian countries for the purposes of enhancing conservation and sustainable use of microbial resources in Asia.
Based on the similarity of goals and efficiency of activities, in 2023, the 13th ISISM, 10th ISIBio, and 20th ACM Meeting will be held simultaneously in the form of a Join Conference with the topic is “Precision Microbiology and Omics Technology for fostering Multisectoral Recovery and Accelerating Sustainable Bioeconomy”.
A. Bioresources, Biodiversity, and Conservation
1. Omics and Multi-omics approach
2. Terrestrial and marine biodiversity
3. Characterization and sustainable utilization of bioresources
4. Conservation of biodiversity
B. Bioproduct and Medical Sciences
1. Bioprospecting of secondary metabolites product
2. Bioinformatic, genetic engineering, in vitro dan in vivo assay for biological product
3. Molecular diagnostic
C. Nutraceuticals and Natural Product
1. Oligosaccharides
2. Functional food
3. Feed supplement
4. Metabolomic
5. Biochemical engineering
6. Microbial cell factory
D. Agricultural and Environmental Sustainability
1. Environmental Microbiology
2. Biofertilizers for sustainable crop production
3. Biopesticides and disease management
4. Bioremediation and biodegradation of waste-water and land contamination
5. Plant-microbe Interactions
6. Pollution and sustainable management
7. Genetic engineering
8. Biochemical engineering
E. Microbial for renewable energy and Biorefineries
1. Microbial and bioconversion for energy
2. Industrial waste biomass utilization
3. Cost effective techniques to produce biobased from biomass
4. Biorefineries: lignocellulosic and algal biorefinery
5. Innovative biorefineries concepts for various industries
6. Food and post-harvest technology
7. Microbial bioprocess and products: biopolymers, enzymes, organic acids, and others
8. Genetic engineering
9. Biochemical engineering
10. Microbial cell factory
Global Health Prospective for Future Pandemics and Its Role of SATREPS Program
Strategies and Policies for Recovery in the Post-Pandemic Era from a Health Perspective
Biobank Management System
Natural Resources and Ecosystem Conservation in Accelerating Sustainable Bioeconomy
Production and Development Microbial Enzymes for Accelerating Sustainable Bioeconomy
Improving Human Health With Synthetic Biology
Agriculture and Food
Biocircular Economy
The Role of Biomethane in Pathway to Net Zero
Bioresources and Biodiversity
Application of Multi Omics for Banana Postharvest
Metabolic of Parasite Infectious Disease for Identification Potential Drug Target
New Procedure for International Research Permission of Indonesia
Digital Sequence Information (DSI) on Genetic Resources
Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ), a New Agreement for Conservation and ABS in the High Sea
Biodiversity Research in National Research and Innovation Agency of Indonesia – BRIN
Report of The International Conference on Culture Collections (ICCC) 15
Access and Benefit Sharing of India
Genetic and Genomic Resources: Challenges and Opportunities In The Utilization and Maintenance of Culture Collections
TDS – ABS on World Data Centre for Microorganism
Exploring Indonesia’s Microbial Natural Products for Drug Discovery and Development
Development and Exploitation of Capacities of Streptomycetes with Particular Emphasis on Genetic Engineering
Basic Knowledge for the Development of Drugs Against Tuberculosis
Synthetic Biology as a Tool for Drug Development
Synthetic Biology as a Tool for Drug Development
Molecular Approaches in Tuberculosis Diagnosis: A Review, Prospects, and Challenges
Exploring Natural Products as Promising Inhibitors for Dengue and Malaria: A Therapeutic Perspective
Advances in Synthetic Organic Chemistry Compounds for Treating Infectious Diseases
Call for Abstract/Paper | : |
1 July-30 September 2023 |
Notification of Accepted Abstract | : | 30 September 2023 |
Deadline for full paper submission | : | 31 Oktober 2023 |
Final Registration Payment | : | 10 November 2023 |
Conference Event | : | 27 and 28 November 2023 |
Workshop | : | 29 November 2023 |
Final Submission of Revised Full Paper | : | 31 December 2023 |
Paper and Proceeding publications | : | 2024 |
Sahira Hotel, Bogor, West Java
Jl. A. Yani No.17-23, Tanah Sareal, Kota Bogor, West Java 16161. Tel: (0251) 7552181.
KST. Soekarno BRIN, West Java
Jl. Raya Jakarta-Bogor KM 46, Cibinong, Bogor, West Java 16911
The participants of the symposium are academics, researchers, industry professionals, students, and observers in the fields of microbiology, biotechnology, conservation and other related field of study.
**List of registered participants would be available soon
Registration is mandatory for all participants (presenter and non-presenter) by creating an EDAS account and filling the registration form. Registration through this website is for the purpose of abstract submission and information only. All editorial processes, e.g. paper submission, and review, are conducted through the EDAS system (
All registration should be done online through the web. The status of registration is accessible on the participant list page.
Abstract template (link for abstract template)
Please follow this link to register and upload your abstract:
All participant will receive acceptance letter together with invoice for registration fee after completing all reviewing process. Non paper participant will receive only invoice. Registration fees was shown as follows.
Categories | Local Participant | International Participan | PERMI Member or Students |
Participants only + oral / poster presenter | IDR 1,400,000 IDR 300,000 | USD 140 + USD 30 | IDR 1,260,000 + IDR 300,000 |
International Conference Proceedings | IDR 1,800,000 | USD 180 | IDR 1,800,000 |
Private Sector / Industry | IDR 1,700,000 | USD 170 | IDR 1,530,000 |
Workshop | IDR 600,000 | USD 60 | IDR 600,000 |
Accommodation Private room Shared room (2 person) | IDR 1,100,000 IDR 700,000 | USD 110 USD 70 | IDR 990,000 IDR 630,000 |
All paper must be submitted electronically through EDAS ( All papers must be written in English and formatted following the IEEE Xplore standard (double-column format A4 size). Please download the template with various format using the following link. Failing to confirm the standard format will result in rejection.
Full paper template (link for conference proceedings template)
The poster was printed by the presenter in the standard X Banner media size width x height (60 x 160 cm), including with the stand.
Selected and presented papers will be published free of charge in the following publications:
Chairman | : | Arif Nurkanto, Ph.D. |
Co-Chairman | : | 1. Nur Laili, Ph.D. 2. Dr. Wahyuni 3. Prof. Dr. Puspita Lisdiyanti |
Secretary and Registration | : | 1. Dr. Diah Radini Noerdjito 2. Rini Riffiani, Ph.D. 3. Fitria Tisa Oktalira, Ph.D. 4. Dr. Yuli Siti Fatma 5. Chairunisa, M. Biotech 6. Toga Napitupulu, Ph.D. 7. Azra Zahrah Nadhirah Ichwani, M.Si. 8. Ade Lia Putri, M.Si. 9. Api Dewana Dewani, S.Bio. |
Treasurer | : | 1. Dr. rer. nat. Zahra Noviana 2. Dr. Niknik Nurhayati 3. Tirta Kumala Dewi, M.Sc. 4. Dr. Nurul Fitriah 5. Dr. Shanti Ratnakomala |
Program | : | 1. Debora Christin P., M.Si. 2. Akhirta Atikana, M.Sc. 3. Dr. Delicia Yunita R. 4. Dr. Yeni Khairina 5. Isa Nuryana, M. Biotech. 6. Dr. Lina Herliana 7. Dr. Agr. Sci. Siti Noorrohmah, M.Si 8. Ryan Haryo S., M.Sc. 9. Dr. Endang Wahyu Prabandari 10. Prof. Dr. Atit Kanti 11. Prof. Dr. Yantyati Widyastuti |
Sponsorship | : | 1. Dr.rer.nat. Senlie Octaviana 2. Dr. Fina Amreta Laksmi 3. Yustian Rovi Alfiansah, Ph.D. 4. Dr. Happy Widiastuti 5. Fiddy Semba Prasetiya, Ph.D. 6. Eko Darma Husada, S.P., M.P. |
Invited Speaker manager | : | 1. Sugiyono Saputra, Ph.D. 2. Danang Waluyo, M.Eng. 3. Harimurti Nuradji, Ph.D. 4. Dr. Ahmad Fathoni, M.Eng 5. Dr. Asep Hidayat 6. Prof. Dr. Puspita Lisdiyanti 7. Prof. Dr. Atit Kanti |
Logistics | : | 1. Dian Alfian N., M.Si 2. Tri Ratna S., M.Si. 3. Idris, M.Si. 4. Dr. Dandy Yusuf 5. Ryan Haryo S., M.Sc. 6. Agung Adi Nugroho, S.Si. 7. Entis Sutisna, S.P. |
Accomodation | : | 1. Rini Handayani, M.Si. 2. Mia Kusmiati, A.Md 3. Ninu Setyaningrum |
Scientific committee & Editorial Board | : | 1. Safendrri Komara Ragamustari, Ph.D. 2. Dr.rer.nat. Ayu Savitri Nurinsiyah 3. Dede Heri Yuli Y., Ph.D. 4. Anggia Prasetyoputri, Ph.D. 5. Prof. Dr. Dwi Susilaningsih 6. Prof. Dr. Maman Turjaman 7. Dr. Munti Yuhana 8. Dr. Sarjiya Antonius 9. Prof. Dr. I Made Sudiana 10. Danang Ambar Prabowo, Ph.D. 11. Alex Sumadijaya, D.Phil 12. Daniel F. Mokodongan, Ph.D. 13. Dr. rer. nat. Zahra Noviana 14. Fiddy Semba Prasetiya, Ph.D. 15. Dr. Rika Indri Astuti, M.Si. |
Multimedia and website | : | 1. Dr. Naswandi Nur, M.Si 2. Farham Harvianto, M.Kom. 3. Ruby Setiawan, M.Si. 4. Akhmad Dicky Kurniawan |
Public Relation and Documentation | : | 1. Melani Kurnia Riswati, S. Si 2. Erwin Fajar, M.Sc. 3. Arid |
Workshop | : | 1. Danang A Prabowo, Ph. D. 2. Muhammad Ilyas 3. Fiddy S. Prasetiya, Ph. D. 4. Ade Lia Putri, M.Si. |
Indonesia Culture Collection (InaCC) Building, the Science and Technology Center of Soekarno, Jl. Raya Jakarta-Bogor KM 46, Cibinong, 16911, West Java.