The International Symposium on Green Technology for Value Chains (GreenVC) is an annual international symposium since 2016 that consistently gathers experts, practitioners, and academics to share knowledge, exchange experiences, and information through meaningful discussions on the latest innovation and technologies in environmental issues.
The previously accepted papers of GreenVC 2021 have been published in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Vol. 1017 (2022) (see here).
This year in 6th International Symposium GreenVC, hosted by Research Center for Environmental and Clean Technology, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), we are inviting the environmental and clean technology community to join and submit abstracts under the following themes Innovations in Sustainable Resources and Environment facing 5.0 Society.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the followings:
- Waste treatment and valorization
- Environmental monitoring, modelling, and assessment
- Climate change mitigation
- Environmental remediation and reclamation
- Environmental nanotechnology
- Green materials and process
- Water, sanitation, and hygiene
Keynote Speakers

Professor. Kurunthachalam Kannan
NYU Grossman School of Medicine, New York
Biomonitoring of human exposure to environmental chemicals in the context of exposome

Associate Professor. Muhammad Aziz
University of Tokyo, Japan

Dr. Suzuki Kengo
Euglena Co., Ltd., Japan
Microalgae contribution to SDGs

Dr. Go Suzuki
National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan
Microplastics issue

Kwanyoung Kim, Ph.D.
Green Technology Partnership Initiative, Korea
Green technology

Professor. Imasiku Nyambe
University of Zambia, Zambia
Environment and mining
Previous Meeting
GreenVC 2016: http://situs.opi.lipi.go.id/green-vc2016/
GreenVC 2017: http://situs.opi.lipi.go.id/greenvc2017/
GreenVC 2018: http://situs.opi.lipi.go.id/greenvc2018/
GreenVC 2019: http://situs.opi.lipi.go.id/greenvc2019/
GreenVC 2021: http://situs.opi.lipi.go.id/greenvc2021/
Guideline for Paper Submission
We accept full paper submission of new and exciting findings on the topics of this symposium (review paper or literature study is not accepted). All papers will be peer reviewed prior to acceptance. The approval for which and where the papers will be published is solely based on the editors’ decision. The accepted paper will be considered for publication in the Open Access IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES), which is part of IOP Conference Series, indexed by Scopus. All papers published in IOP Conference Series are fully citable and upon publication will be free to download. Authors may be interested to know that IOP Conference Series now receives in excess of 2.3 million article downloads per year, and is abstracted and indexed in Scopus, Compendex and Inspec, among others. Citations are tracked online using IOP Publishing’s citing articles facility in addition to the full citation tracking facilities provided by Scopus.
Preparing your paper
- Registration form and abstract submission: Registration Form (closed)
- Abstract template: GreenVC2022 Abstract Template
- Manuscripts (full paper) must be written in IOP format: IOP Template GreenVC 2022. Author guidelines for conference proceedings (click here).
- Manuscripts (full paper) submission will be done entirely on Morressier platform. Further information will be available for authors after abstract acceptance.
- It is important to ensure that when you submit your paper, it is in its final form ready for publication, and has been thoroughly proofread.
- Registration form and abstract submission: Registration Form (closed)
Important Date
• Call for abstract : May 31, 2022 (closed)
• Deadline for abstract submission : July 22, 2022 (closed)
• Announcement of abstract acceptance : August 1, 2022
• Deadline for full paper submission : November 1, 2022
• Final payment : November 1, 2022
• Symposium event (online) : November 22 – 23, 2022
• Notification of full paper acceptance : December 14, 2022
Research Center for Environmental and Clean Technology – BRIN and the GreenVC 2022 committees are concerned and take precautions regarding the transmission of COVID-19 (coronavirus). To maintain the health, safety, and security of the participants, The symposium will be held online using Zoom platform. The link for online meeting will be provided to registered participants via email. Please ensure that the email used in the registration is valid and can receive notification.


*The student must send a proof (student card, etc) via email before doing the payment.
Iman Hidayat, Ph.D. (Chairman of Research Organization for Life Sciences and Environment – BRIN)
Dr. Sasa Sofyan Munawar, S.Hut., M.P. (Head of Research Center for Environmental and Clean Technology – BRIN)
Dr. Eng. Diana Rahayuning Wulan (Chairman of GreenVC 2022)
Astried Sunaryani, M.T. (coordinator)
Dr. Monna Rozana
Dr. Novi Fitria
Ardi Ardiansyah, M.F.Sc.
Event and Documentation Division
Dr. Dewi Nilawati (coordinator)
Dr. Nur Akmalia Hidayati
Dr. Swasmi Purwajanti, M.Sc
Dr. Hidayat
Dr.Eng. Ahmad Shoiful, M.Agr.
Reba Anindyajati Pratama, S.T., M.T.
Muhammad Haqqiyuddin Robbani, S.T., M.T.
Rizky Pratama Adhi, ST, M.Sc.
Hidawati M.Si.
Finance Division
Raden Tina Rosmalina, M. Si. (coordinator)
Hanny Meirinawati, M.Sc.
Editor and Publication
Dr. Widyarani (coordinator)
Umi Hamidah, Ph.D
Dr. Athanasia Amanda Septevani
Dr.rer.nat. Chandra Risdian
Dr. Muhammad Hanif, S.T., M.Eng.
Dr. Vienna Saraswaty
Dr. Arniati Labanni
Dr. Akmal Zulfi M, M.Si., S. Si
Dr. Kemal Maulana Alhasa, S.T., M.Sc
Ardie Septian, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Nurfitri Abdul Gafur, Ph.D
Scientific Board
Prof. Dr. Tarzan Sembiring (coordinator)
Prof. Dr. Ir. Mohamad Ikhwanuddin Mawardi
Prof. Dr. Wahyu Widiyono, M.Si.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Yudhi Soetrisno Garno, M.Sc
Prof. Dr. Ir. Suhendar I Sachoemar, M.Si
Prof. Dr. M. Rahman Djuwansah
Prof. Dr. Ir. Nuril Hidayati, MSc.
Dr. Ir. Joko Prayitno Susanto, M.Eng
Dr. rer. nat. Neni Sintawardani
Dr. Agung Riyadi, MSi.
Dr. Dyah Marganingrum
Dr. Ir. Agus Sudaryanto, MSc.
Dr. Muhammad Ilyas, ST., MSc.
Dr. Sri Priatni
Dr. Eng. Muhamad Nasir
Dr. Herlian Eriska Putra
Dr. Desak Gede Sri Andayani
Heru Dwi Wahyono, B.Eng.MKom.
Drs. Satmoko Yudho, M.Eng.
Dr. Tiny Agustini Koesmawati
Dr. Ir. Widiatmini Sih Winanti, M.Si.
Dr. Ir. Teddy W. Sudinda M.Eng.
Ir. Nusa Idaman Said, M.Eng.
Dr. Arie Herlambang, M.Si.
Dr. Ir. Ikbal, M.Eng.
Dr. Ir. Rudi Nugroho, M.Eng.
Dr. Ir. Wahyu Purwanta, M.T.
Prihartanto, S.T., M.T.
Dr. Sri Wahyono, S.Si., M.Si.
Ir. Firman Laili Sahwan, M.Si.
Dr. Hanies Ambarsari, BSc., M.ApplSc.
Ir. Nana Sudiana, M.Si.
Dr.rer.nat. Rina Andriyani

Dr. Eng. Diana Rahayuning Wulan
Chair of GreenVC 2022
Research Center for Environmental and Clean Technology, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN)
Email: greenvc@brin.go.id