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The First International Conference on Food and Agricultural Sciences: Advanced Agricultural Technology to Deal with Climate Change Issue for achieving food security
The First International Conference on Food and Agricultural Sciences (ICFAS 2022): Advanced Agricultural Technology to Deal with Climate Change Issue for achieving food security will be held in PUSPIPTEK Serpong, Indonesia on November 24, 2022. The conference is an annual event organized by Research Organisation for Agriculture and Food, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) that aims to bring together researchers, scientists, engineers, scholar students and practitioners interested in the advanced technologies of agriculture and food including climate change, smart farming, pre and post-harvest technologies, food and nutrition securities, agriculture and food supply chain system and related topics. The ICFAS 2022 provides a forum for exchange of information on the state-of-the art research within all of the related topics as well as aims to build and strengthen scientific cooperation among the research institutions.
Invited Speakers

Dr. Sunil Archak
( Climate Change )
University of ..

Kazuhiko Narsihawa
( Smart Farming )
University of ..

Kudang Boro Seminar
( Farm Mechanisation )
University of ..

Dr. Ratih Pangestuti, S.Kel, M.SI.
( Marine Resource of Future / Functional Food)
U National Agency
Conference Track
crop modeling, water management, nutrient management, interaction plant and microbes, weed control, cropping system, seed technology and plant propagation
Plant Breeding, Genetics and Biotechnology
germplasm utilization, genetics study, genotype – environment interaction, selection technology, mutation breeding, invitro-culture, soma clonal variation, marker assisted breeding, gene transformation, genome editing
Plant Protection
Integrated pest management, chemical control, pest and diseases detection, biopesticide, environmental engineering for biocontrol, insect sex-pheromone,
Soil Science
physical, chemical, biological, and fertility properties of soils for crop cultivation, soil amelioration, biofertilizers. fertilizer use, soil erosion and conservation in crop cultivation, the use of radioisotopes, soil contamination and remediation
Appropriate technology
Technology can be an appropriate one if it follows the principle of answering society’s demands, is environmentally friendly, easy to use, and maintained by society. Appropriate technology in the era of 4.0 focuses on the concept of precision engineering which is an orchestra of mechanical and process engineering aspects reinforced by automation and ergonomics systems and the principle of appropriateness. Scope of appropriate technology 4.0 covers designing, manufacturing, and testing appropriate technology products. The concept of from farm to table is adopted in the development of appropriate technology including innovations in pre-and post-harvest technology, food processing based on local ingredients, food storage-packaging-distributions technology, ergonomics aspects of appropriate technology, and agricultural waste processing.
Food Technology and Processing
food grade material, biofortification and fortification, post- harvest technology, nutraceutical, plant product processing, animal product processing, marine resource product processing, fermentation and fermented product, functional food, functional beverage, food detection, food safety, food preservation, food packaging, advanced food technology, halal research, food revitalization.
Livestock Production
Climate change is a threat to livestock production because of the impact on quality of feed crop and forage, water availability, animal and milk production, livestock diseases, animal reproduction, and biodiversity. To anticipate this condition, adaptation and mitigation of livestock production will be focused on breeding program of both animals and forages, technology developing of feed and nutrition, reproduction, veterinary, animal management, and postharvest.
Guideline for Paper Submission
Manuscript Submission
AIP Conference Proceedings uses author-prepared PDFs for all published content and will not send out author proofs prior to publication. Therefore, it is important to ensure that all manuscripts are submitted in their final form and that all fonts are embedded. AIP author template packages contain comprehensive advice and guidelines for authors—including a Do’s and Don’ts checklist—all papers must be prepared abiding by these guidelines. Well-prepared manuscripts enable rapid publication. When preparing your manuscript for AIP Conference Proceedings, please abide by the following requests:
- Download your template package for Word ( https://aip.scitation.org/pb-assets/files/publications/apc/8x11WordTemplates-1607702598523.zip) or LaTex (https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/aip-conference-proceedings/fpznwrhxkkpp)
- Do not add page numbers or headers/footers.
- Do not alter the margins of our templates.
- Paper size is 8.5 x 11.
- The paper must include the author’s name and full affiliation address including country.
- Use clear, legible graphics and diagrams contained within the margins.
- Do not use copyrighted material without permission and proper crediting.
- All pages are to be in portrait.
- References are prepared using our sample reference guidelines (available in the template package). References can only be linked if they are complete.
- Embed all fonts into your manuscript PDF.
What to send to your conference organiser?
- A final PDF file of your paper with fonts embedded.
- Copies of permissions to re-use copyrighted material.
Important Date
Call For Paper | May 1 2022 |
Submission Due Date | August 15 2022 |
Final Call | August 31 2022 |
Notification of accepted paper | September 25 2022 |
Final registration and payment | October 30 2022 |
Final manuscript (Word and PDF) | November 9 2022 |
Conference event | November 24 2022 |
November 2022
November 2022
Time |
Programs |
07:30- 08:30 |
Registration |
08:30- 09.00 |
Opening Ceremony |
09:00- 10:00 |
Plenary I |
10:00- 10:30 |
Break and Photo Session |
10.30- 12.00 |
Parallel session I |
12.00 – 13.00 |
Lunch break |
13.00- 14.00 |
Plenary II |
14.00- 16.00 |
Parallel session II |
16.00- 16.15 |
Closing ceremony |
November 2022
November 2022
Moderator |
Nama |
PR |
Topik/keahlian |
1 |
2 |
Scientific Committee/editor board |
Nama |
PR |
Topik/keahlian |
Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Widiarta |
Plant Protection |
Dr. Yusmani |
Plant Protection |
Dr. Amran Muis |
Plant Protection |
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Azrai |
Plant Breeding, Genetics, and Biotechnology |
Dr. Aris Hairmansis |
Plant Breeding, Genetics, and Biotechnology |
Dr. M Muchlish Adie, MS |
Plant Breeding, Genetics, and Biotechnology |
Prof. Dr. Arif Harsono |
Agronomy |
Dr. Muh. Akil |
Agronomy |
Dr. Gagad Restu Pratiwi |
Agronomy |
Prof. Dr. Sukarman |
Soil Science |
Dr. Etty Pratiwi |
Soil Science |
Dr. Poppy Rejekiningrum |
Soil Science |
Achmat Sarifudin, Ph.D |
Food processing and technology |
Dr. Christina Litaay |
Post harvest technology |
Dr. Ainia Herminiati |
Food technology and applied Nutrition |
Ahmad Sofyan, Ph.D. |
Biofortifikasi dan Pakan Ternak |
Dr. Teguh Wahyono, M.Si. |
Biofortifikasi dan Pakan Ternak |
Dr. Hardi Julendra, M.Sc |
Biofortifikasi dan Pakan Ternak |
Khoirun Nisa, Ph.D. |
Nutrasetikal |
Anastasia Wheni Indrianingsih, Ph.D |
Nutrasetikal |
Dr. Ade Chandra Iwansyah, M.Sc. |
Pangan Fungsional |
Andi Febrisiantosa, Ph.D |
Produk Hewani |
Dr. Ratih Pangestuti, S.Kel., M.Si |
Produk Laut |
Prof. Dr. Dwi Eny Djoko Setyono, M.Sc. |
Produk Laut |
Dr. Ema Damayanti, M.Biotech. |
Bioteknologi/Mikrobiologi/Fermentasi |
Dr. Rofiq Sunaryanto |
Bioteknologi/Mikrobiologi/Fermentasi |
Dr.rer.nat. Andri Frediansyah |
Bioteknologi/Mikrobiologi/Fermentasi |
Dr. Asep Nurhikmat, M.P. |
Pengalengan dan Pengawetan Steril |
Dr. Sri Handayani, M.Si. |
Produk Minuman Fungsional |
Dr. Yusuf Andriana |
Produk Minuman Fungsional |
Prof. Dr. drh. Herdis, M.Si. |
PR Peter |
Bioreproduction |
Dr. Ir. Maijon Purba, S.Si, M.Si |
PR Peter |
Animal production |
Dr. Windu Negara |
PR Peter |
Ruminant nutrition |
Dr. RA. Yeni Widiawati |
PR Peter |
Feed and animal nutrition |
Dr. Cecep Hidayat, S.Pt., M.Si. |
PR Peter |
Poultry nutrition |
Dr. Ir. Bram Brahmantiyo, M.Si |
PR Peter |
Animal breeding and genetic |
Organising committee |
Nama |
PR |
Ketua |
wakil ketua |
Koordinator SC/Editor board |
Anggota 1 |
Anggota 2 |
Koordinator Acara (hybrid) |
Anggota 1 |
Anggota 2 |
Anggota 3 |
Anggota 4 |
Koordinator dokumentasi dan desain grafis |
Anggota 1 |
Anggota 2 |
Koordinator Publikasi (publisher) |
Anggota 1 |
Anggota 2 |
Organisasi Riset Pertanian dan Pangan, Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional. Cibinong Science Center. Jl Raya Jakarta Bogor Cibinong Kabupaten Bogor 16915