The 3rd INternational Conference on Radioscience, Equatorial Atmospheric Science and Environment (INCREASE) is a step-up action to figure out the solution by gathering the community of the earth and environmental science to share insight and findings on Climate and Atmospheric Dynamics over the Maritime Continent.
The first INCREASE was held in 2021 in collaboration with the Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere (RISH) Kyoto University and Asian Research Network (ARN) covering the theme of ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE, SPACE SCIENCE, OCEAN SCIENCE, LAND SCIENCE, PALEOSCIENCE, ECOLOGY, CHEMISTRY, BIOCHEMISTRY, ELECTROMAGNETIC, ENGINEERING and AGRICULTURE.
The second INCREASE event was held virtually last year (2022), covering the same scopes with the first increase; the conference had successfully gathered researchers in the field of atmosphere and climate to present their research work in the field of CLIMATE and ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE in general.
Repeating the previous successful conferences, the third INCREASE will be held on 21 – 22 November 2023 by gathering the community of the earth and environmental science to share insight and findings on Climate and Atmospheric Dynamics over the Maritime Continent. This year INCREASE will be the third time to be held in full online format. This conference is organized by the Research Center for Climate and Atmosphere (PRIMA) of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN).
We will welcome a diverse community of scientists, students, and educators to convene and connect in the INCREASE 2023; thus, they can discuss ideas and current issues and design solutions in the areas of environmental and atmospheric science, climate change and sustainable development in the equatorial region, including but not limited to below topics and sub-topics:
Participants are allowed to submit their papers and present their findings by oral or video presentations via an online platform. The selected paper will be published in the SPRINGER proceeding.
All abstract must be submitted through BRIN-form provided
The abstract should be not more than 300 words in a paragraph and be written in English. The abstract simply describes the notable aspects of the content briefly.
Selected/accepted abstract will be notified by registered contact information provided by the author in the abstract form. Then the author submits the full paper with the information provided by the committee.
List of related/similar conferences and symposiums:
Previous INCREASE proceeding books:
The seminar will be held virtually. The virtual format allows for increased accessibility and flexibility, enabling participants to engage in the conference’s activities regardless of their location.
The conference’s online platform can be seen at INCREASE 2023 micro site, offering attendees a seamless and interactive experience that connects participants from around the world.
Registration fee: Free
Registration and paper submission is FREE of charge. The selected paper will be published in the SPRINGER proceeding.
How to register
The conference registration can be done via the following link: CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
The abstract submission form can be sent via the following link:
For the identity section, especially the email address to be filled with an active email address. All information about this conference other than listed on the website, we will send it via participant email. Participants who submit the papers can choose the oral presenter. Then participants who will not submit papers or as co-authors can register as regular participants.
The program for Day 1 and Day 2 available from INCREASE 2023 micro site
General Coordinator;
Dr. Albertus Sulaiman, S.Si. M.Si.
Advisory Board;
Dr. Asif Awaludin, S.T, M.T.
Dr. Heru Santoso, M.App.Sc
Prof. Dr. Ninong Komala, M.Sc.
Dr. Erma Yulihastin, S.Si., M.Si.
Dr. Eng. Prayitno Abadi, S.Si. M.Si
Prof. Dr Sri Yudawati Cahyarini, S.T., M.T.
Dr. Eng. Wendi Harjupa, ST., M.Eng.
Dr. Halda Aditya Belgaman, S.Si., M.S.M.
Rahmawati Syahdiza, S.Si., M.Sc.
Nani Cholianawati, S.T.
IT and Website
Farham Harvianto, M.Kom.
Ifuk Permana S.Kom.
Paper Submission
Nyayu Fatimah Zahroh, S.Si., M.Sc.
Drs. Saipul Hamdi, M.Sc.
Dessy Gusnita, S.Si.
Asri Indrawati S.Si., M.T.
Dyah Aries Tanti S.Si.
Tiin Sinatra S.Si., M.Si.
Sopia Lestari S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D. (Chief Editor)
Ginaldi Ari Nugroho, S.T., M.Si., Ph.D.
Dr. Moch Syarif Romadhon
Dra. Sumaryati M.T
Drs. Afif Budiyono MT.
Dr. Asep Sandra Budiman
Dr. Noersomadi S.Si., M.Si.
Dr. Trismidianto M.Si.
Dr. Heru Santoso M.App.Sc
Herlina Ika Ratnawati, M.Si
Sri Ekawati, M. Si
Dyah Rahayu Martiningrum, M. Si
Dr. Marfasran Hendrizan S.T., MT.
Dr.rer.nat. Abdul Basit, S.Si., M.App.Sc.
Publication and Documentation
Muhtar Gunawan