Research Center for Data and Information Sciences, BRIN, organizes the 9th International Conference on Computer, Control, Informatics and its Applications (IC3INA 2022) with the theme: “Digital Transformation Towards Sustainable Society For Post Covid-19 Recovery”. Covid-19 has accelerated digital transformation in response to the need for change of lifestyle during the pandemic. In addition, the digital transformation brings new tools and opportunities to move forward and overcome longer‑term development challenges. It entails disruptions that are triggering innovations in business and consumption models, transforming production systems and value chains, reorganizing economic sectors, generating new dynamics in the world of work, creating smart goods and services, and introducing new conditions of competitiveness. To realize a sustainable society for post covid-19 recovery, it is expected to create a new value through the development of cutting-edge technology and bridge the gap between humans and economic issues in the future.
IC3INA 2022 is aimed at gathering researchers, academics and practitioners to present the latest innovations and developments, and to exchange ideas and various aspects of advances in computer technology, control, informatics and their applications. Other related fields in IC3INA 2022 include Computer and Networking, Control and Artificial Intelligence, Informatics and Data Processing, and Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) Applications
In 2022, the IC3INA 2022 conference will be held virtually (ONLINE) on 22-23 November 2022. IC3INA 2022 is planned to be published by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)*, which is an international non-profit professional organization based in the United States (US) for the academic and scientific community that conducts research in the field of computers (informatics) and is involved in sponsoring reputable and regular international conferences and one of the top publishers in journals and proceedings.
Previous IC3INA conferences have been successfully held since 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019. which have been published in IEEExplorer proceedings and indexed by SCOPUS. Meanwhile, in 2021, all papers have been published in the ACM Proceedings Digital Library and indexed in SCOPUS. The following are the previous conferences.
IC3INA 2021 : http://situs.opi.lipi.go.id/ic3ina2021/
IC3INA 2019 : http://situs.opi.lipi.go.id/ic3ina2019/
IC3INA 2018 : http://situs.opi.lipi.go.id/ic3ina2018/
IC3INA 2017 : http://situs.opi.lipi.go.id/ic3ina2017/
IC3INA 2016 : http://situs.opi.lipi.go.id/ic3ina2016/
IC3INA 2015 : http://situs.opi.lipi.go.id/ic3ina2015/
IC3INA 2014 : http://situs.opi.lipi.go.id/ic3ina2014/
IC3INA 2013 : http://situs.opi.lipi.go.id/ic3ina2013/
Invited Speakers

Dmitry Larko
Chief Data Scientis, H2O.ai, Kaggle Grandmaster
Dmitry Larko is the Open Source Leader in AI and ML – H2O Driverless AI – With Driverless AI, everyone including expert and junior data scientists can develop trusted machine learning models. At H2O.ai, democratizing AI isn’t just an idea. It’s a movement. And that means that it requires action. We started out as a group of like minded individuals in the open source community, collectively driven by the idea that there should be freedom around the creation and use of AI. Today H2O.ai has evolved into a global company built by people from a variety of different backgrounds and skill sets. Its partnerships now extend beyond the open-source community to include business customers, academia, and non-profit organizations.

Prof. Boudhir Anouar Abdelhakim
Abdelmalek Essaadi University, Morocco.
Prof. Boudhir Anouar Abdelhakim is currently an associate professor at the Faculty of Sciences and Technique of Tangier. Actually, he is the president of the Mediterranean Association of Sciences and Technologies. He is an adviser at the Moroccan union against dropping out of school. He received the HDR degree from Abdelmalek Essaadi University; he is the co-author of several papers published in IEEExplorer, ACM, and in high indexed journals and conferences. He co-edited a several books published on Springer series and he is a co-founder of a series of international conferences(Smart health17, SCIS’16, SCA18, SCA19, SCA20,NISS18, NISS19, NISS20,NISS21, ICDATA21) till 2016, His supervise several thesis in Artificial Intelligence, Security, E-healthcare. His key research relates to Networking and Protocols, Ad hoc networks, VANETS, WSN, IoT, Big Data, AI Computer Healthcare Applications, Smart City Applications and Security Applications.

Prof. Dr. Rabiah Abdul Kadir
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia
Prof. Rabiah Abdul Kadir is a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Visual Informatics, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. She received her PhD (2007) in Computer Science from University Kebangsaan Malaysia. In August, 2008, she was appointed as a Senior Lecturer until May 2014 at University Putra Malaysia. During this period, she was seconded as Assistant Professor at Najran University, Saudi Arabia for a year, started 1 September 2012 until 31 August 2013. In June 2014, she joined Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia as Research Fellow until present. Her areas of research are in intelligent computing and computational linguistics. Currently, she is active on big data analytics, semantic knowledge repository and extraction, data-smart city solution, and social media analytics. She has published more than 100 papers of academic journal, book of chapter and proceeding on her areas.

Prof. Dr. Ka-Lok Ng
Asia University, Taiwan
Ka-Lok Ng received his Ph.D. degree in physics from the Vanderbilt University at the US in 1990. At present, he is holding the distinguish professorship at the Department of Bioinformatics and Medical Engineering, Asia University, Taiwan.
Beginning from Dec. 2009, he served on the Editorial board of several scientific journals, in specific, he was the Editor-in-Chief, WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine, from 2010/09 till 2014/02. He also has rich experience in organizing international renown conferences, that is, IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering, BIBE (2011, 2016, 2018, 2022). Dr. Ng has published more than 50 articles in highly ranked journals, in the areas of NGS data analysis, multi-omics computational system biology, network biology, high energy physics and cosmology. His most recent research is to use quantum machine learning tools to identify cancer biomarkers and solve optimization problems.

Dr. Hilman Ferdinandus Pardede
Research Center of Data and Information Sciences
Dr. Hilman Ferdinandus Pardede is a research Professor at Indonesian National Research and Innovation Agency, Research Center for Data and Information Sciences. He obtained his bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Indonesia in 2004. His master degree in Information and Communication Technology was from The University of Western Australia in 2009. He obtained his Doctoral degree in ComputerScience from Tokyo Institute of Technology in 2013. He was a Postdoctoral fellow at Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy from 2013 to 2015.. He joined Research Center for Informatics, Indonesian Institute of Indonesia in 2008, where he was appointed as senior researcher in 2018. He was a research Professor at BRIN from 2021. His research interests are speech and signal processings, machine learning and pattern recognition, and artificial intelligence. He authored and co-authored 42 articles indexed in scopus and several registered patents and copyrights. He also served as TPC for various conferences and reviewer for several reputable journals.
Conference Track
Computer and Networking
Computer Systems, Computer Communication and Networking, Distributed and Parallel Infrastructure, Computer Interfacing, Embedded System, Wireless Sensor Network, Network Security, Micro(processor/controller) System, Signal Processing
Control and Artificial Intelligence
Intelligence Control Systems, Neural Network, Fuzzy Control Systems, Control Theory,Real Time Control Systems.
Informatics and Data Processing
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Mobile and Cloud Computing, Software Engineering, Database Systems, Formal Method in Software Engineering, Data Mining, Image Processing, Computer Vision, High Performance Computing, Pattern Recognition, Object Recognition, Speech and Language Processing.
Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) Applications
Bioinformatics, E-Business, Tele-medicine, E-Tourism, Intelligence Building, Information Systems, Biomedical Engineering
Guideline for Paper Submission
IC3INA follows ACM Policy on Authorship, Peer Review, Readership, and Conference Publication. Please find the complete guideline in https://www.acm.org/publications/policies/roles-and-responsibilities.
Paper Format – Papers submitted to ACM-IC3INA 2022 must consist of 4-5 written pages, including pictures, tables and references. Papers that exceed 5 pages will not be considered for evaluation and acceptance. The author is responsible for ensuring that the submitted paper has a style, font, etc. in accordance with the ACP Proceedings format. Papers submitted must be in PDF format.
LaTex authors on Overleaf platform
Note for LaTex authors: use “sigconf” proceedings template.
Paper Submission Procedure – Paper submission through the EDAS system (https://ic3ina2022.edas.info/) or (https://edas.info/N29832).
Plagiarism Checking – iThenticate which is included in the edas system. Similarity score is maximum 20 %
Recorded Presentation – Recording, File Format, Permission and Submission Requirements for Conference Video/Audio Recording and Streaming for Inclusion in the ACM Digital Library https://www.acm.org/publications/dl-documentation/dl-recording-requirements
Copyright – The ACM e-Rights Grid (or the article/author information on the e-Rights Form) to ensure that the title, authors, and email address are accurate. As the completed forms are a contract between ACM and the authors, we must have the correct information within the form before ACM can publish the article.
Associated links :
ACM’s Non-presented Policy Paper reserves the right not to publish ACM Proceedings Digital Library papers after the conference, if the papers were not presented by the author at the conference.
Final Paper Submission
- Please upload the final version of the paper (filename format: [paperid]-[title]) to the following link: https://s.id/finalsub_IC3INA no later than November 9, 2022. Please make sure the similarity score is <= 20% before the final submission. The committee will check the similarity of this paper using iThenticate.
- This final version of the paper will serve as a reference for publication in the IC3INA 2022 proceedings, and authors are not allowed to change the contents of the paper after this final version.
- The publication of the IC3INA 2022 paper will be carried out through The ACM Publishing System (TAPS) system, which will be informed later.
- The conference fee payment mechanism will also be informed later. After finishing the payment procedure, please register at https://indico.brin.go.id/e/ic3ina22/ for the Conference Management Systems.
- Presentation materials (PPT and video) should be uploaded on this platform. And all matters regarding the conference event (program schedule etc.) will be provided at https://indico.brin.go.id/e/ic3ina22/.
- Registration of regular participants/guest can be done through this link to acquire the payment procedure by email: https://s.id/participant_IC3INA
Important Date
Call For Paper: May 9, 2022
Phase 1Paper submission deadline: July 29, 2022Notification of accepted papers : August 22, 2022
Phase 2Paper submission deadline: August 26, 2022Notification of accepted papers : September 19, 2022
Phase 3
Paper submission deadline: September 30, 2022Notification of accepted papers : October 15, 2022
Final Submission of revised version: 9 November 2022
We have to remind you that we follow policy, role, and responsibilities in ACM publishing (source: www.acm.org/publications/policies/roles-and-responsibilities).
Further information regarding Final Paper Submission, Payment, and Conference Management Systems Platform Registration have been sent to the accepted authors. Please check your email.
Conference Registration Fee:
Categories | Fee |
Professional presenter | Rp. 2.500.000,- |
Student presenter* | Rp. 2.250.000,- |
Participant / Guest | Rp. 250.000,- |
*) In order to qualify for the student reduced registration fee, the first author must be a student. The registration fee is applied for first author, while the presenter can be any – one of the authors listed in accepted paper. Proof of student status (e.g. scanned image or pdf file of student ID card) and proof of payment must be uploaded into the form.
Participation registration should be done online through the web (https://indico.brin.go.id/e/ic3ina22/). The status of registration is accessible at the participant list page.
Steering Committee
Chair : Dr. Budi Prawara, Chairman of Research Organization for Electronics and Informatics (ROEI), BRIN
Vice Chair :
Dr. Esa Prakasa, Head of Research Center for Data and Information Sciences (RCDIS), BRIN
Dr. Rifki Sadikin, Head of Research Center for Computing (RCC), BRIN
Dr. Anto Satriyo Nugroho, Head of Research Center for Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security (RCAICS), BRIN
Organizing Committee
Chair : Dr. Purnomo Husnul Khotimah, M.T. (PRSDI)
Vice Chair : Arafat Febriandirza, Ph.D (PRSDI)
Technical Program Committee
General Conference Chair : Dr. Purnomo Husnul Khotimah, M.T. (PRSDI)
Vice Conference Chair : Arafat Febriandirza, Ph.D (PRSDI)
1. Raden Sandra Yuwana S.T., MT (Main Secretary) (PRSDI)
2. Wachyuni A.Md (Secretary I) (PRSDI)
3. Vicky Zilvan, S.Kom., M.T. (Secretary II) (PRSDI)
4. Yulia Aris Kartika, M. Kom. (Secretary III) (PRK)
5. Ariani Indrawati, M.TI (PRK)
6. Aris Yaman, M.Si (PRK)
1. Ekasari Nugraheni M.T. (Treasurer I) (PRSDI)
2. Riyo Wardoyo, M.T. (Treasurer II) (PRSDI)
Public Relation
1. M. Yudhi Rezaldi, Ph.D (PR Coordinator) (PRSDI)
2. Andre Sihombing, S. Kom., M. Sc. (PRSDI)
3. Ir. Dianadewi Riswantini, M. Sc., M.B.A. (PRSDI)
4. Ayu Shabrina,M.Sc. (PRK)
5. Dewi Suci Rafianti, S.Kom. (PRKAKS)
IT Support
1. Andria Arisal, MEDC (IT Coordinator) (PRSDI)
2. Andri Fachrur Rozie, S.Kom. (IT Support) (PRSDI)
3. Aang Gunawan Sutyawan, M.T (PRSDI)
TPC & Keynote Speaker Chair
1. Dr. Eng Hilman Ferdinandus Pardede, S.T., MEICT (TPC Coordinator) (PRSDI)
2. Dr. Shidiq Al Hakim (PRSDI)
3. Akbari Indra Basuki, M.T. (PRSDI)
Publication, Documentation, & Program Book Chair
1. Dr. Foni Agus Setiawan, M.Kom. (Coordinator) (PRSDI)
2. Dr.Tr. Lindung Parningotan Manik (Publication, Documentation, & Program Book) (PRSDI)
3. Dr. Inna Syafarina, M.Si (PRK)
4. Siska Pebiana (PRKAKS)
5. Muhammad Thufaili Imdad, S.T, S.Si, M.T (PRKAKS)
6. Auliati Nisa (PRKAKS)
Scientific Committee
Nguyen Phong Hoang, PhD., Department of Computer Science, The University of Chicago
Agung Toto Wibowo, PhD., Cyber Physical Systems Research Group, School of Computing, Telkom University
Dr. Kemas Muslim Lhaksmana, Master of Computing, School of Computing, Telkom University
Samar Helou, PhD., Global Center for Medical Engineering and Informatics, Osaka University, Japan
Luciano Santos, PhD., Fitting Cloud, Japan
Dr. Eng. Ahmad Afif Supianto (PRSDI)
Rezzy Eko Caraka ,S.Si.,M.Sc(RES).,PhD. (PRSDI)
Dr. Heru Susanto, S.Komp., MSc (PRSDI)
Dr. Didi Rosiyadi, M.Kom (PRSDI)
Dr. Wiwin Suwarningsih, M.T. (PRSDI)
Dr. DIPL. ING (FH) Anne Parlina, M.P. (PRSDI)
Dr. Eng. Lia Sadita, S.Kom, M.Eng(PRSDI)
Dr. Bambang Setiadi, ST, MEng (PRSDI)
Risnandar, PhD(PRSDI)
Dr Dian Andriana(PRSDI)
Dr. Foni Agus Setiawan(PRSDI)
Al Hafiz Akbar Maulana Siagian, Ph.D.(PRSDI)
Dr.Tr. Lindung Parningotan Manik (PRSDI)
Dr. Shidiq Al Hakim (PRSDI)
Arafat Febriandirza, Ph.D (PRSDI)
Dr. Ambar Yoganingrum (PRSDI)
Dr. Eng. Budi Nugroho (PRSDI)
M. Yudhi Rezaldi, Ph.D (PRK)
Dr. Arnida L. Latifah(PRK)
Dr. Inna Syafarina, M.Si(PRK)
Zaenal Akbar, M.Kom., Ph.D (PRK)
Dr Asril Jarin (PRKAKS)
Research Center for Data and Information Sciences (RCDIS), BRIN
Komplek LIPI, Jl. Sangkuriang No. 21 Bandung – 40135
Telp/WA: +62 811 1933 3608
Email: ic3ina@brin.go.id